XP Home motherboard broken, new mobo now XP Home fails at boot, installed Win XP Pro Upgrade but this won't upgrade XP Home help.
Dear Group,
Please can you help?
Summary: Windows XP Home pc, motherboard failed, new motherboard and XP
Home wouldn't boot. Tried fixes and tips, none worked. Ended up buying XP
Pro upgrade but can't get this to show us how to upgrade during the bootup
How do we choose Upgrade XP Home from the bootup using Windows Pro Upgrade
that we just bought.
We have a pc with XP Home, the motherboard broke (Emachines 220). We bought
a new motherboard with nearly identical chipsets. XP Home failed on bootup,
would go into a continuous restart loop. Starting in Safe Mode I could see
it loading the drivers (text echo) and every time it would fail in the same
place MUP.SYS.
Unfortunately Emachines warranty was up and they don't supply Windows CD
with the pc. So we tried using another XP home cd just to repair our
install. This wouldn't work.
So we tried some internet tips and tricks. These didn't fix it either.
We have a Win XP Pro CD from our other pc so we tried that, this installed a
side-by-side installation so we could dual boot. It was purely to see if
the data was ok, if the hard drive had trashed everything or not. The data
looked fine. But even in Windows we couldn't see anything obviously wrong.
Then we bought Win XP Pro upgrade and we figured this would upgrade our
installation, except it doesn't offer this option when booting from the CD.
How can we get it to upgrade the original Windows XP Home installation? We
would like to not have to reinstall everything again.
Dear Group,
Please can you help?
Summary: Windows XP Home pc, motherboard failed, new motherboard and XP
Home wouldn't boot. Tried fixes and tips, none worked. Ended up buying XP
Pro upgrade but can't get this to show us how to upgrade during the bootup
How do we choose Upgrade XP Home from the bootup using Windows Pro Upgrade
that we just bought.
We have a pc with XP Home, the motherboard broke (Emachines 220). We bought
a new motherboard with nearly identical chipsets. XP Home failed on bootup,
would go into a continuous restart loop. Starting in Safe Mode I could see
it loading the drivers (text echo) and every time it would fail in the same
place MUP.SYS.
Unfortunately Emachines warranty was up and they don't supply Windows CD
with the pc. So we tried using another XP home cd just to repair our
install. This wouldn't work.
So we tried some internet tips and tricks. These didn't fix it either.
We have a Win XP Pro CD from our other pc so we tried that, this installed a
side-by-side installation so we could dual boot. It was purely to see if
the data was ok, if the hard drive had trashed everything or not. The data
looked fine. But even in Windows we couldn't see anything obviously wrong.
Then we bought Win XP Pro upgrade and we figured this would upgrade our
installation, except it doesn't offer this option when booting from the CD.
How can we get it to upgrade the original Windows XP Home installation? We
would like to not have to reinstall everything again.