I'm having a little trouble with the Windows Update Agent API
(WUApiLib). I've got code working that pulls back a list of updates
from Microsoft, but they're specific to the system I'm running the
code on. I'm trying to figure out how to get the data for another
system. For example, I'd like to run the application on a Vista
system and get the updates for a Windows Server 2003 system. I've
looked at the ClientApplicationID property of the IUpdateSession
object, but it's always null.
I saw this post [http://groups.google.com/group/
+ClientApplicationID#dd31cc88e2543589] asking the same question that I
am, but there was no response.
Does anyone have an idea of how to do this?
Here is working code (C#) that populates a listbox on a winform:
UpdateSessionClass updateSession = new UpdateSessionClass();
IUpdateSearcher updateSearcher =
ISearchResult searchResult = updateSearcher.Search(textBox1.Text);
for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.Updates.Count; i++)
string KBs = string.Empty;
IUpdate update = searchResult.Updates;
UpdateCollection coll = update.BundledUpdates;
for (int iu = 0; iu < coll.Count; iu++)
IUpdateDownloadContent content = coll[iu].DownloadContents[0];
foreach (string s in update.KBArticleIDs)
KBs = s + ",";
string title = string.Format("{0,-75}", update.Title);
string url = content.DownloadUrl != null ? content.DownloadUrl :
"No URL";
string displaystring = string.Format("KB: {0} Title: {1} Url:
Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated,
I'm having a little trouble with the Windows Update Agent API
(WUApiLib). I've got code working that pulls back a list of updates
from Microsoft, but they're specific to the system I'm running the
code on. I'm trying to figure out how to get the data for another
system. For example, I'd like to run the application on a Vista
system and get the updates for a Windows Server 2003 system. I've
looked at the ClientApplicationID property of the IUpdateSession
object, but it's always null.
I saw this post [http://groups.google.com/group/
+ClientApplicationID#dd31cc88e2543589] asking the same question that I
am, but there was no response.
Does anyone have an idea of how to do this?
Here is working code (C#) that populates a listbox on a winform:
UpdateSessionClass updateSession = new UpdateSessionClass();
IUpdateSearcher updateSearcher =
ISearchResult searchResult = updateSearcher.Search(textBox1.Text);
for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.Updates.Count; i++)
string KBs = string.Empty;
IUpdate update = searchResult.Updates;
UpdateCollection coll = update.BundledUpdates;
for (int iu = 0; iu < coll.Count; iu++)
IUpdateDownloadContent content = coll[iu].DownloadContents[0];
foreach (string s in update.KBArticleIDs)
KBs = s + ",";
string title = string.Format("{0,-75}", update.Title);
string url = content.DownloadUrl != null ? content.DownloadUrl :
"No URL";
string displaystring = string.Format("KB: {0} Title: {1} Url:
Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated,