RE: Got ZoneAlarm and Getting "Error number: 0x80072F76"? -THE Solutio

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Where is Privacy tab in Zone Alarm

RE: Got ZoneAlarm and Getting "Error number: 0x80072F76"? -THE Solutio

I can't find the privacy tab in Zone Alarm...I have the current free for
personal use version.

"SmoothUpdate" wrote:

> If you are getting "Error number: 0x80072F76" when you try to use Windows
> Update, and you are using Zone Alarm, all you need to do is the following:
> 1. Open Zone Alarm and click the "Privacy" tab.
> 2. Turn off ALL privacy options! Yes ALL of them! ( The slider bars for
> "Cookie Control" and "Add Blocking", should say: "Off" and the "Mobile Code
> Control" radio buttons should be set to "Off") You may need to open the
> "custom" options and uncheck them all manually.
> 3. Refresh the Windows Update page that was showing you the error, and
> everything will show up like it should!
> Why does this happen???
> Zone Alarm uses a JavaScript "LoopBack Adapter" CGI filter to control all
> privacy settings/behavior, and this majorly screws up Windows Update (as well
> as the JavaScript of many other sites -though not usually as drastically).
> ALL Zone Alarm "Privacy" options MUST be turned off before Zone Alarm will
> stop filtering JavaScript in this way (using the CGI Loop-Back).
> When Zone Alarm is filtering using the CGI Loop-Back, JavaScript that would
> normally be processed as something like:
> Becomes something like: