Re: No wonder why Ubuntu is doing piss poor
Your message could be here wrote:
> Strange Bill, ali-ass [Alias' note: notice how the MS fanboys always
resort to infantile "humor" when out of ammo]is always saying how
everything works right out of
> the box on UpYourButtu. Maybe he has been having us on?
Haven't used a terminal once since setting up Hardy Heron. Everything
was point and click. Setting up the HP all-in-one was three clicks for
the printer and three for the scanner and no need to stick a CD in the
optical drive.
> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> news:CyA5k.8427$jI5.4302@flpi148.ffdc.sbc.com...
>> So you need to upgrade your mutlimedia support on Ubuntu and come
>> across the following instructions. With Ubuntu you have to type all
>> the following cryptic code into some stupid terminal window. With
>> Windows, all you need to do is "point and click". Ubuntu is still
>> light years behind the eight-ball in technology. No wonder, they have
>> thousands of programmers donating their free time while they are
>> between jobs.
>> Ubuntu will always be lagging years behind Windows. That is a fact.
>> ------------------------ Taken from the Ubuntu Forums
>> -----------------------------------
>> Note: full multimedia support is still only available for 32-bit
>> Ubuntu. If you have 64-bit Ubuntu, then you will encounter some
>> problems from time to time.
>> 1. Open a terminal window: Applications - Accessories - Terminal
>> 2. Make a copy of your sources list. Copy/paste this line:
>> sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.old
>> and press Enter. Your password remains invisible, not even dots, this
>> is normal.
>> 3. Then in the terminal (use copy/paste in order to avoid errors):
>> gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
>> Press Enter.
>> Then add the following line to the text file that has just opened,
>> thus adding the Medibuntu software repository. Use copy/paste, and
>> paste it at the very end of the text:
>> deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free
>> Save and close the text file.
>> 4. Then in the terminal (use copy/paste):
>> wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo
>> apt-key add -
>> Press Enter.
>> 5. Then reload the list of software repositories:
>> sudo apt-get update
>> Press Enter.
>> Ignore the warning that there are updates available: you don't want
>> them, you only want w32codecs (or w64codecs) and libdvdcss2.
>> Afterwards you'll want to turn off the Medibuntu repository, and with
>> it this particular update warning.
>> 6. System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager
>> Search (use the search button in the toolbar of Synaptic) and install
>> w32codecs and libdvdcss2.
>> 7. Now turn off the Medibuntu software repository (making the
>> available update warning disappear):
>> System - Administration - Software Sources.
>> Tab "Third-Party Software": uncheck http://packages.medibuntu.org/
>> hardy free non free
>> Close Software Sources.
Your message could be here wrote:
> Strange Bill, ali-ass [Alias' note: notice how the MS fanboys always
resort to infantile "humor" when out of ammo]is always saying how
everything works right out of
> the box on UpYourButtu. Maybe he has been having us on?
Haven't used a terminal once since setting up Hardy Heron. Everything
was point and click. Setting up the HP all-in-one was three clicks for
the printer and three for the scanner and no need to stick a CD in the
optical drive.
> "Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
> news:CyA5k.8427$jI5.4302@flpi148.ffdc.sbc.com...
>> So you need to upgrade your mutlimedia support on Ubuntu and come
>> across the following instructions. With Ubuntu you have to type all
>> the following cryptic code into some stupid terminal window. With
>> Windows, all you need to do is "point and click". Ubuntu is still
>> light years behind the eight-ball in technology. No wonder, they have
>> thousands of programmers donating their free time while they are
>> between jobs.
>> Ubuntu will always be lagging years behind Windows. That is a fact.
>> ------------------------ Taken from the Ubuntu Forums
>> -----------------------------------
>> Note: full multimedia support is still only available for 32-bit
>> Ubuntu. If you have 64-bit Ubuntu, then you will encounter some
>> problems from time to time.
>> 1. Open a terminal window: Applications - Accessories - Terminal
>> 2. Make a copy of your sources list. Copy/paste this line:
>> sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.old
>> and press Enter. Your password remains invisible, not even dots, this
>> is normal.
>> 3. Then in the terminal (use copy/paste in order to avoid errors):
>> gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
>> Press Enter.
>> Then add the following line to the text file that has just opened,
>> thus adding the Medibuntu software repository. Use copy/paste, and
>> paste it at the very end of the text:
>> deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free
>> Save and close the text file.
>> 4. Then in the terminal (use copy/paste):
>> wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo
>> apt-key add -
>> Press Enter.
>> 5. Then reload the list of software repositories:
>> sudo apt-get update
>> Press Enter.
>> Ignore the warning that there are updates available: you don't want
>> them, you only want w32codecs (or w64codecs) and libdvdcss2.
>> Afterwards you'll want to turn off the Medibuntu repository, and with
>> it this particular update warning.
>> 6. System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager
>> Search (use the search button in the toolbar of Synaptic) and install
>> w32codecs and libdvdcss2.
>> 7. Now turn off the Medibuntu software repository (making the
>> available update warning disappear):
>> System - Administration - Software Sources.
>> Tab "Third-Party Software": uncheck http://packages.medibuntu.org/
>> hardy free non free
>> Close Software Sources.