Creating folder names

  • Thread starter Thread starter JohnB
  • Start date Start date


I know this isn't the DOS newsgroup but, I also know there are people here
that can answer this.

I need to create folder names based on the current date. The names need to
be in this format: DDMMYY
I've googled and found lots of examples, but none for that format.
Anyone know how do do that?

Re: Creating folder names

"JohnB" <> wrote in message
>I know this isn't the DOS newsgroup but, I also know there are people here
>that can answer this.
> I need to create folder names based on the current date. The names need
> to be in this format: DDMMYY
> I've googled and found lots of examples, but none for that format.
> Anyone know how do do that?
> Thanks

DOS could never do this sort of thing but the Command Prompt
under all Windows NT-based OSs can. The usual way is to
rearrange the various elements of the %date% variable. Unfortunately
this method often fails when used with different regional settings.
The batch file below will always return the correct value in %MyDate%.
1. @echo off
2. echo>c:\TempVBS.vbs wscript.echo day(date()) * 10000 + month(date()) *
100 + right(year(date()),2)
3. for /F %%a in ('cscript //nologo c:\TempVBS.vbs') do set MyDate=%%a
4. echo Date=%MyDate%
Re: Creating folder names

After I posted that I found this solution: MD

It's simple and works perfect.

but thanks anyway.

"Pegasus (MVP)" <> wrote in message
> "JohnB" <> wrote in message
> news:uwLCMzs2IHA.4920@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>I know this isn't the DOS newsgroup but, I also know there are people here
>>that can answer this.
>> I need to create folder names based on the current date. The names need
>> to be in this format: DDMMYY
>> I've googled and found lots of examples, but none for that format.
>> Anyone know how do do that?
>> Thanks

> DOS could never do this sort of thing but the Command Prompt
> under all Windows NT-based OSs can. The usual way is to
> rearrange the various elements of the %date% variable. Unfortunately
> this method often fails when used with different regional settings.
> The batch file below will always return the correct value in %MyDate%.
> 1. @echo off
> 2. echo>c:\TempVBS.vbs wscript.echo day(date()) * 10000 + month(date()) *
> 100 + right(year(date()),2)
> 3. for /F %%a in ('cscript //nologo c:\TempVBS.vbs') do set MyDate=%%a
> 4. echo Date=%MyDate%
Re: Creating folder names

"JohnB" <> wrote in message
> After I posted that I found this solution: MD
> %date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~-2%
> It's simple and works perfect.
> but thanks anyway.

Yes, it works perfect until the order of digits changes. In some
countries the variable %date% returns Mon 06/30/2008
whereas in others it returns Mon 30/06/2008. The nice and
simple solution you found will trip over this difference.