Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:49:10 -0400, wrote:
>>How many times do you have to be told it isn't the volume of clutter,
>>but WHAT is cluttering up your Registry? Just a few lines can cause
>>issues. Again, it depends what if anything is wrong about what's
>And I covered this. It's you that isn't listening. a FEW lines causing troubles would require a SPECIALIZED TOOL to identify the problem. Not something that grabs EVERYTHING it thinks is useless.
Stop playing word games. Of course that is what everybody does after I
paint them into a corner. You don't need any "specialized" tools, a
Registry Cleaner is ALREADY that in that it will generate a detailed
list of what it finds suspect in your Registry. It is then up to the
user to determine what if anything you can safely delete. What you're
trying to get away with is you pretend to know in advance what is
wrong and can zero right in on a handful of Registry keys in the which
of course is pure baloney.
>>>Facts: I just created this 3000 line text file it came to 136 kb.
>>>My current drives SATA retrieve at 3 mbps.
>>Apples and oranges. Again, you don't have a clue. It has nothing to do
>>with the size of the Registry, rather what if anything contained in
>>the Registry is bogus or not.
>covering both angles of this ridiculous discussion. Bloat.. 3000 keys is NOT bloat, and 3000 is an overkill guesstimate as to what most of these cleaners find.
>And speed. 136 kb is not going to make a noticeable speed increase on any modern machine.
>registry cleaners don't identify 1 or 2 bad keys, they go after hundreds, thousands of maybes. And get lucky.
What is obvious is you talk in circles. First you say it would takes
you "days" to go through your figure of 3,000 invalid keys then in the
next breath you say never mind, even if all those invalid keys remain
it doesn't matter. Has nothing to do with getting lucky and everything
about knowing what you're doing. You don't seem to know.
>>>registry cleaners are a bull in a china closet. That's your magic. Even a blind pig finds a truffle sometimes. Deleting thousands of maybes, you find 1 or 2 that should be removed. IOW: identify the problem and use the correct tool.
>>More feeble attempts to pretend you know more. I see a lot of that
>>here and the only reason I can come up with WHY people like you keep
>>doing it is you need your ego stroked. So run along kid before you
>>really start to annoy me.
>Why would you step thru thousands of entries to fix a problem ? That's the argument.
Only dopes that load up their system with hundreds of useless
applications then delete them could end up with thousands of invalid
keys. That seems to be what you're telling us you did. So who's the
really dummy?
I don't care how long the list is, if an item gets flagged I'll check
it out which is after all why I would buy a Registry Cleaner in the
first place. The reality is for MOST people aside from the usual junk
in anybody's Registry like I've already mentioned including weird time
zones and foreign keyboard references and assorted other junk nearly
everybody's list of invalid keys should be small and very manageable.
It is YOU, not me that's stuck on the absurd 3,000 figure you pulled
out of thin air in some feeble effort to try to bolster your
groundless argument.
>Registry cleaners identify maybes. Then it's up to you to take a chainsaw to the registry with auto delete trusting this program knows what it's doing. Or waste a week single stepping thru hundreds, thousands of lines that's all guess work to find a problem that you still haven't pinpointed as to what caused it. I can't ever recall in 9 years ever tracking a problem down to a registry key that wasn't a virus or trojan.
>Cleaner = clean your wallet.
All any tool does is SHOW you something POTENTIALLY wrong. You decide
how to act on what's found. Again you need to try to inject auto
delete which again only dopes would use. Take away auto delete and you
"argument" falls flat on it's face.
What I really like about having discussions in groups like these is I
can almost always point out the flimflam and outright deception in
what the other guy is claiming by beating them over the head with
actual facts. That's what I'm doing to you now if your realize it or
The main reason I get involved in threads like this is I detest
phonies that hold a biased position, make stuff up then pretend that's
what everybody does.
Go back and read posts from anybody that's negative about Registry
Cleaners and you'll almost always see them pushing the same lie,
making reference to some auto delete key they need to pretend
everybody is going to push, otherwise they argument not to use any
Registry Cleaner gets defeated by logic.