First time posting so I will try and give as much info as possible:
Running windows Xp media center sp2 and receive the following errors-
BCCode : 100000d4 BCP1 : F5DC8070 BCP2 : 0000001C BCP3 : 00000001
BCP4 : 804E163C OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 0_1
Computer also turns off and and comes back on with a boot disk error, I turn
computer off and on and then the computer starts fine again, but are the
above errors related to the bood disk issue and how do I fix?
First time posting so I will try and give as much info as possible:
Running windows Xp media center sp2 and receive the following errors-
BCCode : 100000d4 BCP1 : F5DC8070 BCP2 : 0000001C BCP3 : 00000001
BCP4 : 804E163C OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 0_1
Computer also turns off and and comes back on with a boot disk error, I turn
computer off and on and then the computer starts fine again, but are the
above errors related to the bood disk issue and how do I fix?