On Jun 30, 5:39 am, "Still learning" <notreala...@rukidding.com>
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080630/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_xp
> REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is scheduled to stop selling its WindowsXP
> operating system to retailers and major computer makers Monday, despite
> protests from a slice of PC users who don't want to be forced into usingXP'ssuccessor, Vista.
> Once computers loaded withXPhave been cleared from the inventory of PC
> makers such asDellInc. and Hewlett-Packard Co., consumers who can't live
> without the old operating system on their new machine will have to buy Vista
> Ultimate or Vista Business and then legally "downgrade" toXP.
> Microsoft will still allow smaller mom-and-pop PC builder shops to buyXP
> for resale through the end of January. A version ofXPwill also remain
> available for ultra-low-cost PCs such as the Asus Eee PC.
> A group of vocal computer users who rallied around a "SaveXP" petition
> posted on the industry news site InfoWorld had been clamoring for Microsoft
> to keep sellingXPuntil its next operating system, Windows 7, is available..
> The software maker has said it expects to release Windows 7 sometime in
> 2009.
> Last week, Microsoft said it would provide full technical support for
> six-year-old WindowsXPthrough 2009, and limited support through 2014.
Here's a link to Dell clearly stating that
you can still ( for a small fee) get a computer outfitted with Windows
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080630/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_xp
> REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is scheduled to stop selling its WindowsXP
> operating system to retailers and major computer makers Monday, despite
> protests from a slice of PC users who don't want to be forced into usingXP'ssuccessor, Vista.
> Once computers loaded withXPhave been cleared from the inventory of PC
> makers such asDellInc. and Hewlett-Packard Co., consumers who can't live
> without the old operating system on their new machine will have to buy Vista
> Ultimate or Vista Business and then legally "downgrade" toXP.
> Microsoft will still allow smaller mom-and-pop PC builder shops to buyXP
> for resale through the end of January. A version ofXPwill also remain
> available for ultra-low-cost PCs such as the Asus Eee PC.
> A group of vocal computer users who rallied around a "SaveXP" petition
> posted on the industry news site InfoWorld had been clamoring for Microsoft
> to keep sellingXPuntil its next operating system, Windows 7, is available..
> The software maker has said it expects to release Windows 7 sometime in
> 2009.
> Last week, Microsoft said it would provide full technical support for
> six-year-old WindowsXPthrough 2009, and limited support through 2014.
Here's a link to Dell clearly stating that
you can still ( for a small fee) get a computer outfitted with Windows