Re: Will Linux EVER hit 1 percent????
"Snit" <usenet@gallopinginsanity.com> wrote in message
> "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick_n_straw@gmail.com> stated in post
> 1xbbmlptdln3i.eyh1adub83rk.dlg@40tude.net on 7/8/08 3:33 PM:
>> Linux has been around for 15+ years.
>> Linux is free.
>> Linux applications are free.
>> So, the question is why is Linux still sitting at below 1 percent of the
>> desktop market?
>> Something that is free is used by so little of the population?
>> People would rather spend big bucks for Vista or even more expensive
>> switch
>> to Mac, like a lot are doing, rather than run free Linux?
>> Something is seriously wrong with Linux....
> The lack of coherence and polish in the UI matter. OSS tends to have the
> tech in the background done well, hence the reason it works so well on
> servers, but the front end - while getting better - still has a ways to
> go.
> --
> Do you ever wake up in a cold sweat wondering what the world would be
> like if the Lamarckian view of evolution had ended up being accepted
> over Darwin's?
Did You Ever Wake Up In A Cold Sweat Wondering Why Your Hand Was Rubbing
Your Tiny Little Dick?
"Snit" <usenet@gallopinginsanity.com> wrote in message
> "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick_n_straw@gmail.com> stated in post
> 1xbbmlptdln3i.eyh1adub83rk.dlg@40tude.net on 7/8/08 3:33 PM:
>> Linux has been around for 15+ years.
>> Linux is free.
>> Linux applications are free.
>> So, the question is why is Linux still sitting at below 1 percent of the
>> desktop market?
>> Something that is free is used by so little of the population?
>> People would rather spend big bucks for Vista or even more expensive
>> switch
>> to Mac, like a lot are doing, rather than run free Linux?
>> Something is seriously wrong with Linux....
> The lack of coherence and polish in the UI matter. OSS tends to have the
> tech in the background done well, hence the reason it works so well on
> servers, but the front end - while getting better - still has a ways to
> go.
> --
> Do you ever wake up in a cold sweat wondering what the world would be
> like if the Lamarckian view of evolution had ended up being accepted
> over Darwin's?
Did You Ever Wake Up In A Cold Sweat Wondering Why Your Hand Was Rubbing
Your Tiny Little Dick?