Michael Allred
I own a LogiTech headset/microphone, you know headphones and microphone all
in one?
Anyway I use it for voice chat, primarily through Yahoo messenger to call up
friends' computers and talk that way. Problem is sometimes it works and
sometimes it doesn't and I have no idea what causes it not to work. Somehow
the microphone gets muted and no sound goes through at all. The headphones
work and I can hear sound (not from another person talking mind you, just
whatever it is I'm listening to, music, etc.)
Anyway, I'm going through everything I know of before making a call through
Yahoo messenger to be sure everything's set up like it should. I'm no expert
or anything (hence why I'm here asking questions) but I run through the call
set-up on Yahoo and that works as it should, I check the volume settings and
everything is unmuted and volume turned up but here's the thing, I had the
volume setting menu opened up as I tried to make a call using Yahoo
messenger's voice chat and the freaky thing happened was as soon as I hit
'call' the volume meter automatically turned all the way down and the
microphone setting automatically muted itself and I'm like what the heck????
I can turn the volume back up and unmute the microphone but if I try to call
again, the process just repeats itself.
Now I've used my headset before to use voice chat on yahoo messenger so I
KNOW it works but the other day I turned my computer off and when I turned it
back on, that's when the problem occured again (it's done it before by the
way, not sure how I got it to work previously either then again I'm not sure
how it gets messed up too.)
I'm at wit's end, I have NO idea why this problem keeps happening or how I
can correct it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this and why this is
happening? Please help.
in one?
Anyway I use it for voice chat, primarily through Yahoo messenger to call up
friends' computers and talk that way. Problem is sometimes it works and
sometimes it doesn't and I have no idea what causes it not to work. Somehow
the microphone gets muted and no sound goes through at all. The headphones
work and I can hear sound (not from another person talking mind you, just
whatever it is I'm listening to, music, etc.)
Anyway, I'm going through everything I know of before making a call through
Yahoo messenger to be sure everything's set up like it should. I'm no expert
or anything (hence why I'm here asking questions) but I run through the call
set-up on Yahoo and that works as it should, I check the volume settings and
everything is unmuted and volume turned up but here's the thing, I had the
volume setting menu opened up as I tried to make a call using Yahoo
messenger's voice chat and the freaky thing happened was as soon as I hit
'call' the volume meter automatically turned all the way down and the
microphone setting automatically muted itself and I'm like what the heck????
I can turn the volume back up and unmute the microphone but if I try to call
again, the process just repeats itself.
Now I've used my headset before to use voice chat on yahoo messenger so I
KNOW it works but the other day I turned my computer off and when I turned it
back on, that's when the problem occured again (it's done it before by the
way, not sure how I got it to work previously either then again I'm not sure
how it gets messed up too.)
I'm at wit's end, I have NO idea why this problem keeps happening or how I
can correct it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this and why this is
happening? Please help.