Re: Wow. M$ is really turning up the inane propaganada machine (Was: Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting random hard freezes)
Re: Wow. M$ is really turning up the inane propaganada machine (Was: Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting random hard freezes)
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 16:51:03 -0700, FAB wrote:
> Fred wrote:
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>You mean Primitive word processing, data manipulation, spreadsheets,
>>>animation rendering, etc.....
>>>If you need to work with others then you need something that WORKS with
>>>other software. That is where Microsoft comes in.
>>>OpenSores software is good for one user on one machine doing just the very
>>>Glad to clarify that for you.
>> M$ must be desperate if they're resorting to such lies. I use ubuntu and
>> it works well. I even edit video on it.
> urbuttoo is a POS toy os for broke lying linux trolls who can't afford
> Vista, the very best OS available today.
I use Sony Vegas and Adobe Premier....
Linux has nothing that even comes close.
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots: