Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting randomhard freezes
Re: Day after day, more and more Ubuntu victims reporting randomhard freezes
Bruce Sinclair wrote:
> In article <44lfk.2066$>, wrote:
>> * Ùpyøurbuttøø peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>> "JEDIDIAH" <jedi@nomad.mishnet> wrote in message
>>> news:slrng7ni82.kb4.jedi@nomad.mishnet...
>>>> Where's the current "thread of lockups"?
>>> Check Launchpad. You'll find more than you ever imagined
>> Or check Microsoft:
>> Results 1 - 10 of about 481,000 for windows+lockups.
I've seen 3 in one day on a laptop just trying to play a DVD.
> whole thing locked and needed turning off to get it to go again.
*yawns* Nothing I haven't heard a dozen times before.
Wait, dozen is probably a major understatement.