Moshe Goldfarb.
Re: [Dvorak Troll] Vista Lament
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:28:53 -0400, DFS wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I can almost visualise it. 4 chaps with bottles of rum sitting around
>> a fiery barrel in the streets after Microsoft had given them the pink
>> slip.
> How would that ever happen, since none of us work for, or have ever worked
> for, Microsoft?
>> There's a clear rise in anti-Linux sites, so sit tight.
> That's a function of more people trying the slopware.
> And point those sites out - I'm always looking for a few chuckles.
> This one is damn funny! http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Lunix
>> Microsoft is
>> getting more aggressive as a function of anxiety (for itself and its
>> ecosystem that gradually slips away).
> blah blah blah... 10 years of the same stupid lines by the same stupid
> MS-haters.
> Meanwhile:
> * MS just had another record year of revenue.
> * Vista market share is rising rapidly - about 1% per month since general
> availability.
> * Office 2007 is an absolute monster success
> * No companies are switching to Macs or Linux (cue a goon who found a
> 12-seat company that went with Linux)
> * Mac is doing well in certain laptop markets
> * Linux? Munich migration: delayed 3 more years - likely will never finish
> * Linux? Vienna migration: switched to Vista/Office 2007
> * Linux? Finished the first half of 2008 with well under 1% marketshare,
> despite being free its entire life.
That's exactly what is happening.
Back a few years ago when a person would venture into a Linux group and ask
for help with a problem, or spew out their frustration with Linux, the
Linux loons would deny that the problem existed.
These days with more people trying Linux, the problems are coming out and
the Linux loons can no longer deny that these problems exist, although they
still try.
The evidence is overwhelming.
That site is hysterical BTW!!!!
Here it is again:
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:28:53 -0400, DFS wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I can almost visualise it. 4 chaps with bottles of rum sitting around
>> a fiery barrel in the streets after Microsoft had given them the pink
>> slip.
> How would that ever happen, since none of us work for, or have ever worked
> for, Microsoft?
>> There's a clear rise in anti-Linux sites, so sit tight.
> That's a function of more people trying the slopware.
> And point those sites out - I'm always looking for a few chuckles.
> This one is damn funny! http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Lunix
>> Microsoft is
>> getting more aggressive as a function of anxiety (for itself and its
>> ecosystem that gradually slips away).
> blah blah blah... 10 years of the same stupid lines by the same stupid
> MS-haters.
> Meanwhile:
> * MS just had another record year of revenue.
> * Vista market share is rising rapidly - about 1% per month since general
> availability.
> * Office 2007 is an absolute monster success
> * No companies are switching to Macs or Linux (cue a goon who found a
> 12-seat company that went with Linux)
> * Mac is doing well in certain laptop markets
> * Linux? Munich migration: delayed 3 more years - likely will never finish
> * Linux? Vienna migration: switched to Vista/Office 2007
> * Linux? Finished the first half of 2008 with well under 1% marketshare,
> despite being free its entire life.
That's exactly what is happening.
Back a few years ago when a person would venture into a Linux group and ask
for help with a problem, or spew out their frustration with Linux, the
Linux loons would deny that the problem existed.
These days with more people trying Linux, the problems are coming out and
the Linux loons can no longer deny that these problems exist, although they
still try.
The evidence is overwhelming.
That site is hysterical BTW!!!!
Here it is again:
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots: