The era of virtualisation is now fully upon the technology industry. For
businesses to thrive, adapting to the changing needs of their customers
is paramount. For businesses to win, they must deliver the right
solutions at the right time, and offer propositions that are more
attractive to their customers than a competing solution. One word
describes the nature of this kind of business environment: dynamic. The
ability of business and the people that constitute it is not just to
survive, but thrive in the face of these dynamic demands; and that is a
direct function of the capability and fitness of the infrastructure of
business systems that underpin and support their work. Business
Technology Summit 2008, held 22-26 September 2008 in Mumbai and
Bangalore, offers a program, replete with technical and business
insights that guarantee you the keys to a flexible and dynamic IT.
The Virtualisation track at BT Summit 2008 covers Storage
Virtualisation, Server Virtualisation, Desktop Virtualisation, File
Virtualisation, Operating System Virtualisation, Application
Virtualisation, Hosted Virtualisation, Para-virtualisation, Windows
Virtualisation, Hardware-level Virtualisation, Virtualisation Hardware
Support, Virtualisation Blue Prints, Virtual Machines Life Cycle
Management, Interoperability for Virtualisation, Virtualisation: State
of the Union, Debunking Virtualisation Challenges, Utility Computing and
Virtualisation Roadmap.
businesses to thrive, adapting to the changing needs of their customers
is paramount. For businesses to win, they must deliver the right
solutions at the right time, and offer propositions that are more
attractive to their customers than a competing solution. One word
describes the nature of this kind of business environment: dynamic. The
ability of business and the people that constitute it is not just to
survive, but thrive in the face of these dynamic demands; and that is a
direct function of the capability and fitness of the infrastructure of
business systems that underpin and support their work. Business
Technology Summit 2008, held 22-26 September 2008 in Mumbai and
Bangalore, offers a program, replete with technical and business
insights that guarantee you the keys to a flexible and dynamic IT.
The Virtualisation track at BT Summit 2008 covers Storage
Virtualisation, Server Virtualisation, Desktop Virtualisation, File
Virtualisation, Operating System Virtualisation, Application
Virtualisation, Hosted Virtualisation, Para-virtualisation, Windows
Virtualisation, Hardware-level Virtualisation, Virtualisation Hardware
Support, Virtualisation Blue Prints, Virtual Machines Life Cycle
Management, Interoperability for Virtualisation, Virtualisation: State
of the Union, Debunking Virtualisation Challenges, Utility Computing and
Virtualisation Roadmap.