Re: The truth please! (sorry to others for butting in here!)
Re: The truth please! (sorry to others for butting in here!)
You know Dave you have turned into quite the cyber bully. Another group I
have to unsub from
"BoaterDave" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
Ah, hello again Peter!
I posted this message to you on 9 July 1038 GMT but you must have missed
I would have/would still appreciate replies to my queries here Peter Foldes!
You did ask me a question!
Just so I have my record absolutely straight (and so that I may be confident
that I should concentrate my effort to seek out the 'bad guys' elsewhere) I
should be most grateful if you, Peter Foldes, would confirm here, for all to
see, that you:-
A. Have never posted advice on the Annexcafe User2User newsgroups (one in
the USA and the other in the UK) and
B. Have never posted anywhere using a different posting 'name' -
especially that of Derek Feldman.
If you are a good and honest person, I can determine no reason why you will
not respond to these simple queries. I understand that you are a foreign
national living now in Canada. I'd just like to be certain that your
'business' is unconnected with helping worldwide terrorism and/or enabling
fraudulent crime on the Internet. That is my sole purpose.
I look forward to your response.
If you do /not/ respond, perhaps others here will also start to question
your integrity!
"Peter Foldes" <> wrote in message
I am not surprised at all on your issue
How did you remove Norton. Did you use their removal tool that is available
at the Symantec site ? Norton is a virus by itself . To completely remove
Norton even by using their removal tool is next to impossible. You would
need to reformat the OS to get all instances of Norton off your system
Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.
"Aaron Wilcox" <> wrote in message
> One of our clients installed Norton Antivirus 2007 on an IBM ThinkCentre
> 8084 that runs a piece of equipment that they bought from us. After they
> installed NAV, the custom application that runs the equipment will not
> start. The only error message that they get is "Out of memory". The
> problem has persisted even after uninstalling NAV and uninstalling and
> reinstalling the custom application. Has anyone had any similar
> experiences, or are there any suggestions about where some additional
> information might be logged that would tell us what's been broken?