Re: Quick Java Question
There are no moderators in this group, nor most of microsoft.public groups.
Most of what appears at Google Groups does not originate at Google Groups.
Everything that appears here on these servers, appears at Google Groups.
Windows groups always benefit by the release of the next version, which
causes most trolls to move to the new group and wreak their havoc. I know
that's not what you meant be getting answers from people who have no
business answering your post, and I am constantly telling clients that they
may need to WAIT!! for a few hours, days, or even weeks before they get the
answer they're looking for.
You are still using a web-interface for posting questions. You might try
using a real newsreader (Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Thunderbird, and
many, many more.) To get you started, click here:
The location from which you are posting only carries MS groups and you need
non-MS groups for your further adventures in Java. Check with your ISP's
support pages for the proper settings, and that real newsreader will come in
even more handy.
Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User
"Danger_Duck" <> wrote in message
> Thanks! Now I know what google groups are...hehe.
> Helpful, though I wish people were as knowledgeable there as here-there
> are
> a lot of folks that reply instantly that something cannot or probably
> cannot
> be done when it clearly can (as shown by later posts).
> I just wish those groups had moderators like here I guess :/
> Thanks again!
> "Tim Slattery" wrote:
>> Danger_Duck <> wrote:
>> >Now that Microsoft has J++, does it have a forum for general Java
>> >questions?
>> J++ is not java.
>> >While I'm at it I might as well give it a try here, since you guys seem
>> >knowledgeable about just about anything regarding computers:
>> >
>> >Is there a method in String, Integer, or other classes that will return
>> >the
>> >integer within a string like:
>> >
>> >int a = ClassName.method("I have 7 peanuts");
>> >System.out.print(a);
>> >
>> >Output:
>> >7
>> No. But look at the "split" method of String. That will allow you to
>> break the string on spaces (or anything else you can describe with a
>> regular expression). Then you can examine the pieces to see whether
>> any of them looks like a number.
>> >Again, while the answer to the questions would be fabulous, it would be
>> >even
>> >more fabulous for me to find out if there's a good place to ask such
>> >things.
>> --
>> Tim Slattery
>> MS MVP(Shell/User)