Terminal Services Pilot 2008

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex
  • Start date Start date


First off... there should be an easier and faster way to provide feedback and
ask questions about this pilot program. A direct "FEEDBACK GOES HERE" link
off the pilot site would be extremely helpful. I don't know if this is the
right place or not but the site pointed me here so this is where I will post.

I initially set everything up on my home machine with my card reader plugged
into the front of the machine. Everything worked. A couple days later, I
plugged the card reader into the back of the machine and now it won't let me
connect to my main box at work. I can easily reproduce this odd behavior by
toggling where I plug my card reader in. If I plug it back into the front, I
can access all my machines again. If I plug it into the back, I lose access
to just a few of my machines but not all.

How do I fix this?
Re: Terminal Services Pilot 2008

we (the readers of this newsgroup) have no idea what website you came
from, so you'll have to give a bit more background information.

What pilot exactly? Plain Terminal Services on a Windows 2008 server?
Or something else / more?

It sounds like you have problems logging in to a computer using a
smart card, is that correct?
Could you give the technical details of:
1. the computer - make, model, OS, roles
2. the smart card - manufacturer and model

and the exact text of any error message that you might get when you
try to connect. Also check the EventLog of the computer for any
warnings or errors.

FWIW, it sounds to me like a hardware problem with your home
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
*----------- Please reply in newsgroup -------------*

=?Utf-8?B?QWxleA==?= <Alex@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote on 10
aug 2008:

> First off... there should be an easier and faster way to provide
> feedback and ask questions about this pilot program. A direct
> "FEEDBACK GOES HERE" link off the pilot site would be extremely
> helpful. I don't know if this is the right place or not but the
> site pointed me here so this is where I will post.
> I initially set everything up on my home machine with my card
> reader plugged into the front of the machine. Everything worked.
> A couple days later, I plugged the card reader into the back of
> the machine and now it won't let me connect to my main box at
> work. I can easily reproduce this odd behavior by toggling where
> I plug my card reader in. If I plug it back into the front, I
> can access all my machines again. If I plug it into the back, I
> lose access to just a few of my machines but not all.
> How do I fix this?