Re: Unable to Remote Desktop to Windows 2003 Server
I am wirting to see how evertything is going?
Have this issue been sovled or you need further assistance? please feel
free to let me know.
Morgan Che
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center
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--->Thread-Topic: Unable to Remote Desktop to Windows 2003 Server
--->thread-index: AckHk4pQuJDTcds+T5WYSSyzFjBtDg==
--->From: =?Utf-8?B?bXRqNzAwOQ==?= <MTJ7009@newsgroup.nospam>
--->References: <>
--->Subject: Re: Unable to Remote Desktop to Windows 2003 Server
--->Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 08:51:01 -0700
--->Lines: 51
--->Message-ID: <>
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--->We have tried using vista, xp, another windows 2003 server to see if
any of
--->them would connect. None of which has been able to connect.
--->We have gone some searches on the web for any help, none of which
helped us,
--->hence we are here.
--->"Danny Sanders" wrote:
--->> What OS are you using to connect with? Anything in that event log?
Can you
--->> connect using client running another OS?
--->> You can also search the MS Knowledge base for "RDP".
--->> hth
--->> DDS
--->> "mtj7009" <MTJ7009@newsgroup.nospam> wrote in message
--->> news
--->> > We have restarted the server multiple times. Nothing in the event
--->> > either.
--->> >
--->> > "Danny Sanders" wrote:
--->> >
--->> >> Have you tried having the server restarted?
--->> >>
--->> >>
--->> >> hth
--->> >> DDS
--->> >>
--->> >> "mtj7009" <MTJ7009@newsgroup.nospam> wrote in message
--->> >>
--->> >> > All of a sudden, we are unable to RDP to a Windows 2003 Server.
--->> >> > could
--->> >> > possible be a windows update that caused the issue but not sure
--->> >> > one.
--->> >> > I
--->> >> > have run Wireshark to make sure that tcp port 3389 traffic is
--->> >> > the
--->> >> > server and it is. On the client it says unable to connect to
--->> >> > Short of rebuilding the server are there any options or
--->> >> > steps i should take?
--->> >> > Windows Server 2003 SP2.
--->> >> > Firewall is off completely.
--->> >> > Thanks
--->> >> >
--->> >>
--->> >>
--->> >>