Re: Copy of Windows 98 Second Edition
"98 Guy" <> wrote in message
| glee wrote:
| > Still blatantly promoting software piracy, I see.
| Why is it piracy when the manufacturer no longer sells the item in
| question?
| And don't give me "well you can buy it on e-bay" crap. There is no
| garantee that anyone selling win-98 on e-bay is selling a version that
| *can* be re-sold or used according to it's EULA, or that the person
| selling it isin't still using the same product key that they're
| purporting to sell.
| If it's a book, a music or movie cd that is still available for retail
| sale, then yup, there is such a thing a piracy.
| If it's any of the above that is no longer in print or being stamped or
| sold, then making copies of it and passing it around is not piracy.
We [you and I, and others] have had prior discussions regarding this
unlawful activity before in this group when you have attempted to foster
this idea before, I see you have once again consciously determined to
further this piracy/criminal activity in this group once again. This would
appear to indicate that:
1. You are suffering from some metal disorder under which the realities of
the world are beyond your comprehension due to some physical or other mental
2. That you are under the influence of some drug or drugs which severely
impairs your ability to comprehend worldly affairs, legal rights of others,
and legal ramifications.
3. That you intend to further and foster this criminal activity in hopes
that the more parties engaging in this activity, the harder it becomes to
prosecute the individuals so in engaged.
4. That you have NO respect for Law, illegalities of the activities,
personal property rights, copyright, and other as relate. Which would
indicate that you also have ZERO respect for anyone on this planet except
for yourself.
5. That ALL of the above applies, and that you also have ZERO concern for
the fact that it is because of this, that others of the people are subjected
to increasingly restrictive Laws, Rules, Codes, and other which in essence
tends to remove their rights, invades their privacy, removes their
protections, and causes other legal ramifications and further restrictions
placed against them.
You, personally, were previously directed to review the Laws, legal
agreements, EULAs, and other applicable statutes, Treaties, and other which
define this activity you suggest as criminal, throughout the world..
Other discussions have been held in the numerous legal groups [to which you
were also directed] and other which might contain these types of
suggestions. Regardless, the activities you suggest ARE illegal and criminal
in nature. Nothing will change the stature of your suggestion to legal or
remotely acceptable behavior.
Legalities regarding DJ Performances
Copyright Infringement or Scam?
Legal to Import Books from India to Canada?
Legalities regarding Digital Rights Management and "Fair Use"
Does an internet browser infringe on copyright when displaying images?
Theoretical question - reselling ketchup?
Violating copyrights unknowlingly?
Does the programmer owns part of code copyrights when employed by company X?
School Integridy v. outside freedom of speech?
free open source modules from CPAN in non-free program
Sharing a Burnt Audio CD
Problems with getting Black's Law Dictionary 1st and 2nd Editions into
Public Domain
a question of copyright laws [related to replaying DVDs on PalTalk]
a question regarding copyright laws
Bankruptcy and Software Licenses
Copyright Law regarding Museum Photos
Perjury in Federal Court- crime without punishment?
Copyright status of usenet posts
Plain and umambiguous language of statute
Can I Copyright Notecards / Business Cards?
hi, patent help here
Patent Worth Anything?
What is Legal Responsibility for Bank That Loses Business Checks?
Fair use of a characters name vs entirely different product?
Again: Copyright ownership and "work-for-hire"
Image copyrights and google groups
when is music copyright effective ? Can I post to myspace ?
treaty law
SpongeBob makes his legal debut
Right of Publicity laws and the Public Domain
Copyright Question
music and music video hosting
This group:
Unable to key product key off my Certificate of Authenticity.
Download a full version of WIndwos 98 SE for free
re-installing 98
AT&T rewrites rules: Your data isn't yours
MICROSOFT CORP. v. AT&T CORP. (No. 05-1056)
Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly (05-1126)
SANCHEZ-LLAMAS v. OREGON (Nos. 04-10566 and 05-51)
DIXON v. UNITED STATES (No. 05-7053)
Ebay, Inc. v. MERCEXCHANGE, L. L. C. (No. 05-130)
Brigham City v Stuart (05-502)
MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc., 991 F.2d 511 (9th Cir. 1993)
Gershwin Publishing Corp. v. Columbia Artists Management, Inc., 443 F.2d
1159, 1162 (2d Cir. 1921)
"Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act" Pub. L. 105-304,
title II, Oct. 28, 1998, 112 Stat. 2877
The Electronic Communication's Privacy Act
This "Watergate" {Nixon years] inspired statute affects the public in almost
every daily activity. Largely modified over the years, but particularly due
to the "Patriot Act" after 09-11-01.
CFR Index
See also:
And the numerous other sites, forums, government, and court materials [U.S.
and international]. So put your junk somewhere else... here it is more than
merely inappropriate, you give the deliberate false impression that it is
not illegal or.criminal in stark contrast to the acual Laws and other which
control the matters.
a Peoples' Counsel