Faye Kane, homeless brain
It wouldn't let me install dot net framework 3 until I uninsrtalled 3, 2, and
1. So I did. I rebooted. Now I'm getting:
Windows Update Error
Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page.
I'll omit the profanity-laced opinions of microsoft and how they treat their
customers, and merely ask:
Dear Hadji in Pakistan:
Do you have any idea why this is happening? And while you're at it, how
about telling those funny programmers at MS to, like, specify WHAT is wrong
rather than just say "sorry, can't do it, go away".
I mean, if a server is down, say that. If VB crashed, tell what module.
Don't just tell me to uninstall the core of my application runtime system,
then say:
Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page.
Thank you.
In the unlikely case that anyone actually looks at my problem, and in the
even unliklier case that that person knows a solution, would it be too much
to ask for you to, like, email it to me so I don't have to find this forum
and look every day to see if the damage you've done to my mission-critical PC
can be fixed or not?
-- faye kane, homeless brain
Read more of my smartmouth opinions at http://blog.myspace.com/fayekane
1. So I did. I rebooted. Now I'm getting:
Windows Update Error
Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page.
I'll omit the profanity-laced opinions of microsoft and how they treat their
customers, and merely ask:
Dear Hadji in Pakistan:
Do you have any idea why this is happening? And while you're at it, how
about telling those funny programmers at MS to, like, specify WHAT is wrong
rather than just say "sorry, can't do it, go away".
I mean, if a server is down, say that. If VB crashed, tell what module.
Don't just tell me to uninstall the core of my application runtime system,
then say:
Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page.
Thank you.
In the unlikely case that anyone actually looks at my problem, and in the
even unliklier case that that person knows a solution, would it be too much
to ask for you to, like, email it to me so I don't have to find this forum
and look every day to see if the damage you've done to my mission-critical PC
can be fixed or not?
-- faye kane, homeless brain
Read more of my smartmouth opinions at http://blog.myspace.com/fayekane