Many newsgroups have one or more trolls who's sole purpose is to
disrupt the normal discussions generally for their own amusement. This
group has a psychopath that goes by Frank, FB and sometimes other
names. Clinically, a psychopath is some irrational, incoherent,
mentally ill, unstable person suffering from one or more mental
disorders resulting in a psychopathic personality.
Such persons are characterized by constant emotional and behavioral
outbursts that often are brought on by their flawed perception of
reality. They also seek gratification by practicing or obsessing about
sexual perversions and usually have excessively high and always
unfounded perceptions of the importance and accomplishments of self.
Frank always being angry sinks to a lower level and attempts to make
clumsy claims others have the weird sexual hang up he suffers from.
The people that wrote the text books on defining a psychopath, had
Frank in mind, since he is the poster boy for personality disorders.
Frank in lay language is a kook. A crackpot, just another ding-a-ling
and all around nut case that simply can't control his emotions,
especially his temper. Frank is also a pathological liar attempting to
influence or intimidate other posters with constant lies, the use of
foul language combined with accusing others of having unusual sexual
fetishes or often just branding them as stupid.
What drives Frank to be such an obnoxious pest we'll leave for the
professionals. It is clear Frank wants attention. He craves it. His
day begins and ends with him hurling vicious lies and insults. While
this mental case attacks everyone sooner or later, he focuses his most
foul outbursts at those that expose him for what he is. That really
drives Frank over the edge.
Frank got it in his head he and he alone gets to decide who can post
to this newsgroup and what they should say. Not my words, rather
Frank's own admission of his purpose in being here. Accordingly Frank
elected himself Gatekeeper and main apologist for Microsoft. To Frank
this newsgroup is a holy place. A place of worship of Microsoft where
never a negative word about them should be uttered. Break that
commandment and watch Frank rant, rave, curse and have a hissy fit.
If you are even a little critical of Microsoft, Vista or report
problems Frank will launch into attack mode and begin to spread lies
about you. In his flawed perception of reality Frank fancies himself
as Microsoft's defender and savior. Their white knight that comes
charging at the first sign of anyone reporting something wrong with
Vista. Being obviously of very limited intelligence Frank will accuse
everyone of not being able to install or properly configure Vista.
That's Frank's standard response regardless what the problem is. Even
if Microsoft has admitted the problem is true and real, Frank still
repeats his same mindless; you didn't install or configure Vista
correctly line.
Next Frank hurls obscenities, becomes increasingly vulgar and starts
to fabricate stories. One of Frank's favorite ploys is to take what
other posters wrote and change a few words around as he surely will
consider doing with this post as he has scores of times in the past.
All of the above confirms Frank is mentally ill. Not just a garden
variety troll, but a real mental case in desperate need of intensive
professional help. Frank is a real honest to goodness psychopath not
in control of what he says or does. Now you know. Of course most
people already knew. This post is for the benefit of new visitors to
the group that Frank has ruined.
disrupt the normal discussions generally for their own amusement. This
group has a psychopath that goes by Frank, FB and sometimes other
names. Clinically, a psychopath is some irrational, incoherent,
mentally ill, unstable person suffering from one or more mental
disorders resulting in a psychopathic personality.
Such persons are characterized by constant emotional and behavioral
outbursts that often are brought on by their flawed perception of
reality. They also seek gratification by practicing or obsessing about
sexual perversions and usually have excessively high and always
unfounded perceptions of the importance and accomplishments of self.
Frank always being angry sinks to a lower level and attempts to make
clumsy claims others have the weird sexual hang up he suffers from.
The people that wrote the text books on defining a psychopath, had
Frank in mind, since he is the poster boy for personality disorders.
Frank in lay language is a kook. A crackpot, just another ding-a-ling
and all around nut case that simply can't control his emotions,
especially his temper. Frank is also a pathological liar attempting to
influence or intimidate other posters with constant lies, the use of
foul language combined with accusing others of having unusual sexual
fetishes or often just branding them as stupid.
What drives Frank to be such an obnoxious pest we'll leave for the
professionals. It is clear Frank wants attention. He craves it. His
day begins and ends with him hurling vicious lies and insults. While
this mental case attacks everyone sooner or later, he focuses his most
foul outbursts at those that expose him for what he is. That really
drives Frank over the edge.
Frank got it in his head he and he alone gets to decide who can post
to this newsgroup and what they should say. Not my words, rather
Frank's own admission of his purpose in being here. Accordingly Frank
elected himself Gatekeeper and main apologist for Microsoft. To Frank
this newsgroup is a holy place. A place of worship of Microsoft where
never a negative word about them should be uttered. Break that
commandment and watch Frank rant, rave, curse and have a hissy fit.
If you are even a little critical of Microsoft, Vista or report
problems Frank will launch into attack mode and begin to spread lies
about you. In his flawed perception of reality Frank fancies himself
as Microsoft's defender and savior. Their white knight that comes
charging at the first sign of anyone reporting something wrong with
Vista. Being obviously of very limited intelligence Frank will accuse
everyone of not being able to install or properly configure Vista.
That's Frank's standard response regardless what the problem is. Even
if Microsoft has admitted the problem is true and real, Frank still
repeats his same mindless; you didn't install or configure Vista
correctly line.
Next Frank hurls obscenities, becomes increasingly vulgar and starts
to fabricate stories. One of Frank's favorite ploys is to take what
other posters wrote and change a few words around as he surely will
consider doing with this post as he has scores of times in the past.
All of the above confirms Frank is mentally ill. Not just a garden
variety troll, but a real mental case in desperate need of intensive
professional help. Frank is a real honest to goodness psychopath not
in control of what he says or does. Now you know. Of course most
people already knew. This post is for the benefit of new visitors to
the group that Frank has ruined.