Check this out...
'Vista - a $6 Billion Dollars Operating System - The best billions Bill
Gates has ever spent - Softpedia'
I don't really know what the markup of it is but let's assume that they
make $100 off each license on average (which is a conservative estimate
wouldn't you say?).
If my math is correct, that's $18 billion dollars as of the last public
claim of 180 million copies sold.
'Microsoft: 180 million Vista licenses now sold'
If my math is correct again...that's TRIPLE the initial costs!
Of course they likely spent a little more after-market like for Jerry
Seinfeld and stuff like that but I don't think it’s anywhere near $12
billion dollars.
'Vista - a $6 Billion Dollars Operating System - The best billions Bill
Gates has ever spent - Softpedia'
I don't really know what the markup of it is but let's assume that they
make $100 off each license on average (which is a conservative estimate
wouldn't you say?).
If my math is correct, that's $18 billion dollars as of the last public
claim of 180 million copies sold.
'Microsoft: 180 million Vista licenses now sold'
If my math is correct again...that's TRIPLE the initial costs!
Of course they likely spent a little more after-market like for Jerry
Seinfeld and stuff like that but I don't think it’s anywhere near $12
billion dollars.