I am at a loss. I have some clients that seem to have problems getting
updats from my WSUS server. The WSUS server is giving messages that 25% of
computers are failing. I have looked at the windowsupdate.log file and will
copy a bunch of that information below. We use Server 2003 enterprise
edition and WSUS 3.0. I am have looked at all the permission and IIS. It
looks to me that they are all configured correctly yet I still have the same
issue. I have not been able to pinpoint any rhyme or reason to why some
machines get the updates while others don't.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2008-09-10 03:35:52:908 1224 c50 AU ## END ## AU: Download updates
2008-09-10 03:35:52:908 1224 c50 AU #############
2008-09-10 03:35:57:908 1224 d38 Report REPORT EVENT:
{DBEC9FFB-454D-4230-A596-C6CB2A31323C} 2008-09-10
03:35:52:908-0500 1 161 101 {19F54F87-0EBB-4CB6-9F52-8300B52AF6B1} 101 80244019 AutomaticUpdates Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2008-09-10 03:36:04:908 1224 14c AU No pending client directive
2008-09-10 03:44:40:377 1224 d38 Report Uploading 10 events using cached
cookie, reporting URL =
2008-09-10 03:44:40:377 1224 d38 Report Reporter successfully uploaded 10
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: -0500) ===========
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Windows
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc = Module:
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and
IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains '0a487050-8b0f-4f81-b401-be4ceacd61cd')
or (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
new PID is available
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
clientId = 292dafc6-63b9-4fcb-b846-3866ed7cdb49, target group = , DNS name =
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 PT WARNING: StartCategoryScan failed :
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 Agent WARNING: Server does not support
CatScan. Falling back to full catalog sync...
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 Agent Server changed and need resyncing
with server
2008-09-10 11:00:18:158 1224 b30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2008-09-10 11:00:18:158 1224 b30 PT + ServiceId =
{3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:28:549 1224 b30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended
update info +++++++++++
2008-09-10 11:00:28:549 1224 b30 PT + ServiceId =
{3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU Triggering Offline detection
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU #############
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU #########
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent Update
{EB4134CF-C259-4E1C-BF70-FA468FC58D61}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9DD53F1F-13DC-4D73-9CE8-41943D6F6F5D}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent * Found 1 updates and 4 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 654 out of 1403 deployed entities
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI - Updates found = 1
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:893 3720 b04 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{46A0B6F7-B283-45F8-9CCB-C8E3B4EC332C}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{19F54F87-0EBB-4CB6-9F52-8300B52AF6B1}.101 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{28941B32-98AD-4E95-A2ED-F2DE56817F9E}.106 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent Update
{EB4134CF-C259-4E1C-BF70-FA468FC58D61}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9DD53F1F-13DC-4D73-9CE8-41943D6F6F5D}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{CEF090EE-D94B-4E61-9E2E-604F7387BE97}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{1D15F829-5844-49B4-9518-AC5A91E12BCB}.103 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9CF8BC09-444C-4176-9E41-C3A2A3A5C52D}.107 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{938D8BBF-F928-4DAC-BAEF-B66005583409}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{8FE60694-94C6-4568-8094-17E2E92045EA}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{CCD4E798-834D-42C9-928F-9A89CC0D2E14}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{7FF134C3-2D92-4A71-95C8-AFB47C6548F2}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{79B15B7B-31F3-46F8-AD6E-DFF1F42CE51F}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Found 12 updates and 43
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 502 out of 1403 deployed
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU # 12 updates detected
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading
updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Call ID =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1,
Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * Title = Definition Update for
Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * UpdateId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent *
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU #########
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU #############
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {3A6092CA-7A24-4FAD-B090-8468E830B91A}.100] ***********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Downloading from
http://moss01/Content/59/E6A17508FD8D3B616B5B1E7A80C1BF7B0E8D2559.exe to
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\181041b328c7a643e150641bf505aa65\e6a17508fd8d3b616b5b1e7a80c1bf7b0e8d2559 (full file).
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading
updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Report REPORT EVENT:
{6A1D6FBE-D49D-4B56-B007-C568F28A4B30} 2008-09-10
11:00:31:815-0500 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows
Defender Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully
detected 1 updates.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Report REPORT EVENT:
{D4FFFAF5-14DD-4149-8800-2AE6F5356043} 2008-09-10
11:00:31:815-0500 1 156 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows Defender Success Pre-Deployment Check Reporting client status.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job
{A7F901E3-91E5-4AE4-A3B0-863CA19B0312} failed, updateId =
{3A6092CA-7A24-4FAD-B090-8468E830B91A}.100, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT
= 5
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total =
981568, bytes transferred = 0
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Failed job file: URL =
http://moss01/Content/59/E6A17508FD8D3B616B5B1E7A80C1BF7B0E8D2559.exe, local
path =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while
downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI - Download call complete
(succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0)
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000;
Call error code = 0x80240022
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
updats from my WSUS server. The WSUS server is giving messages that 25% of
computers are failing. I have looked at the windowsupdate.log file and will
copy a bunch of that information below. We use Server 2003 enterprise
edition and WSUS 3.0. I am have looked at all the permission and IIS. It
looks to me that they are all configured correctly yet I still have the same
issue. I have not been able to pinpoint any rhyme or reason to why some
machines get the updates while others don't.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2008-09-10 03:35:52:908 1224 c50 AU ## END ## AU: Download updates
2008-09-10 03:35:52:908 1224 c50 AU #############
2008-09-10 03:35:57:908 1224 d38 Report REPORT EVENT:
{DBEC9FFB-454D-4230-A596-C6CB2A31323C} 2008-09-10
03:35:52:908-0500 1 161 101 {19F54F87-0EBB-4CB6-9F52-8300B52AF6B1} 101 80244019 AutomaticUpdates Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2008-09-10 03:36:04:908 1224 14c AU No pending client directive
2008-09-10 03:44:40:377 1224 d38 Report Uploading 10 events using cached
cookie, reporting URL =
2008-09-10 03:44:40:377 1224 d38 Report Reporter successfully uploaded 10
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.2.6001.784, tz: -0500) ===========
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Windows
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 Misc = Module:
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and
IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains '0a487050-8b0f-4f81-b401-be4ceacd61cd')
or (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 1224 b30 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-09-10 11:00:00:221 3720 f78 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
new PID is available
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
clientId = 292dafc6-63b9-4fcb-b846-3866ed7cdb49, target group = , DNS name =
2008-09-10 11:00:00:986 1224 b30 PT Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 PT WARNING: StartCategoryScan failed :
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 Agent WARNING: Server does not support
CatScan. Falling back to full catalog sync...
2008-09-10 11:00:14:299 1224 b30 Agent Server changed and need resyncing
with server
2008-09-10 11:00:18:158 1224 b30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2008-09-10 11:00:18:158 1224 b30 PT + ServiceId =
{3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:28:549 1224 b30 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended
update info +++++++++++
2008-09-10 11:00:28:549 1224 b30 PT + ServiceId =
{3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU Triggering Offline detection
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU #############
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU #########
2008-09-10 11:00:31:768 1224 14c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent Update
{EB4134CF-C259-4E1C-BF70-FA468FC58D61}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9DD53F1F-13DC-4D73-9CE8-41943D6F6F5D}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:31:783 1224 b30 Agent * Found 1 updates and 4 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 654 out of 1403 deployed entities
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:815 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:830 1224 b30 Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI - Updates found = 1
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:846 3720 4ac COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI -------------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2008-09-10 11:00:31:861 3720 b04 COMAPI - ServiceID =
2008-09-10 11:00:31:893 3720 b04 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{46A0B6F7-B283-45F8-9CCB-C8E3B4EC332C}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{19F54F87-0EBB-4CB6-9F52-8300B52AF6B1}.101 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{28941B32-98AD-4E95-A2ED-F2DE56817F9E}.106 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent Update
{EB4134CF-C259-4E1C-BF70-FA468FC58D61}.100 is pruned out due to potential
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9DD53F1F-13DC-4D73-9CE8-41943D6F6F5D}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{CEF090EE-D94B-4E61-9E2E-604F7387BE97}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{1D15F829-5844-49B4-9518-AC5A91E12BCB}.103 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{9CF8BC09-444C-4176-9E41-C3A2A3A5C52D}.107 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{938D8BBF-F928-4DAC-BAEF-B66005583409}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{8FE60694-94C6-4568-8094-17E2E92045EA}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{CCD4E798-834D-42C9-928F-9A89CC0D2E14}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{7FF134C3-2D92-4A71-95C8-AFB47C6548F2}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Added update
{79B15B7B-31F3-46F8-AD6E-DFF1F42CE51F}.100 to search result
2008-09-10 11:00:38:330 1224 b30 Agent * Found 12 updates and 43
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 502 out of 1403 deployed
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:361 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU # 12 updates detected
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading
updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Call ID =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1,
Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * Title = Definition Update for
Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * UpdateId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 Agent *
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU #########
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {E6A0007D-354F-4031-8B11-3247688EAC0B}]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 d50 AU #############
2008-09-10 11:00:38:377 1224 b30 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {3A6092CA-7A24-4FAD-B090-8468E830B91A}.100] ***********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 DnldMgr * Downloading from
http://moss01/Content/59/E6A17508FD8D3B616B5B1E7A80C1BF7B0E8D2559.exe to
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\181041b328c7a643e150641bf505aa65\e6a17508fd8d3b616b5b1e7a80c1bf7b0e8d2559 (full file).
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent *********
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading
updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Agent *************
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Report REPORT EVENT:
{6A1D6FBE-D49D-4B56-B007-C568F28A4B30} 2008-09-10
11:00:31:815-0500 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows
Defender Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully
detected 1 updates.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:393 1224 b30 Report REPORT EVENT:
{D4FFFAF5-14DD-4149-8800-2AE6F5356043} 2008-09-10
11:00:31:815-0500 1 156 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows Defender Success Pre-Deployment Check Reporting client status.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job
{A7F901E3-91E5-4AE4-A3B0-863CA19B0312} failed, updateId =
{3A6092CA-7A24-4FAD-B090-8468E830B91A}.100, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT
= 5
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total =
981568, bytes transferred = 0
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Failed job file: URL =
http://moss01/Content/59/E6A17508FD8D3B616B5B1E7A80C1BF7B0E8D2559.exe, local
path =
2008-09-10 11:00:38:408 1224 dac DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while
downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI - Download call complete
(succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0)
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000;
Call error code = 0x80240022
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI ---------
2008-09-10 11:00:38:455 3720 4ac COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = Windows Defender]