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  1. snarfblam

    Parameter Marshalling with Heap and Stack Objects

    Ive seen certain questions asked a number of times and decided that it would be appropriate to have some reference that clearly explains the details of this tricky aspect of function calls. To get the most out of this you should understand the concept of pointers and the difference between...
  2. snarfblam

    Interpolated Picture Box

    Ever wish the picture box could scale images without using bilinear filtering (for example, when viewing/editing video game graphics)? In the past I had written controls from scratch that emulate the PictureBox but used my desired interpolation. Then I was hit with a stroke of common sense. Ive...
  3. snarfblam

    Installing SSMS 18 won't go past "Loading Packages" phase

    I'm trying to install SSMS 18 and all I am able to get once I click on the downloaded application to install all it shows is a bar moving and it says "Loading packages. Please wait..." It won't move past this. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Continue reading...
  4. snarfblam

    Reflector Class - Reflection Made Easy

    Anyone who has spent more than a little bit of time getting their hands dirty with reflection will be well aware that all kinds of magic can happen through the System.Type.InvokeMember method. Unfortunately, though, this function has a large number of parameters to cover nearly every member...
  5. snarfblam

    Interpolated Picture Box

    Ever wish the picture box could scale images without using bilinear filtering (for example, when viewing/editing video game graphics)? In the past I had written controls from scratch that emulate the PictureBox but used my desired interpolation. Then I was hit with a stroke of common sense. Ive...
  6. snarfblam

    PrintScreen KeyDown

    I threw together a Q&D winforms app that picks out keywords, operators, and brackets and throws vB tags around them.
  7. snarfblam

    PrintScreen KeyDown

    I find it to be extremely annoying that you cant easily access unfiltered key presses, but there is a way to get at them. When the Print Screen key is pressed, the virtual ProcessKeyMessage function is called on the control that contians focus. The tricky part that you have to be able to...
  8. snarfblam

    PrintScreen KeyDown

    I believe that this problem stems from the fact that the Keys enumeration is a combination of both flags and sequential constants. Generally an enum should be one or the other. Otherwise it becomes difficult to sort out what the value means. The key code for the print screen key is actually 44...
  9. snarfblam

    z-buffer problem

    What happens when the app fails? Are you given an exception? Does it have a DirectX error code?
  10. snarfblam

    problem with mdi children visibilities

    Keep in mind, reordering the forms every time they become out of order is going to produce flickering, and the active form will always try to force itself on top.
  11. snarfblam

    how to change the image

    First things first: is this a photograph of a house? Will you be compositing pre-existing images or generating new ones? Complex image manipulation would not be a good starting place for your first app.
  12. snarfblam

    Editing a value inside a text document

    I havent tested this but its the jist of what you need to do: load the file, find what you need to change, change it, and save the file. Dim lines As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename) Loop through lines For I As Integer = 0 To Lines.Length - 1 Dim line As String = lines(i)...
  13. snarfblam

    Detect mouse click anywhere..

    There you go. But what happens if someone is a really fast clicker and presses the button down and releases it, both between two timer ticks.
  14. snarfblam

    Unique Number Arrays?

    Re: Pick two and swap! Another method that guaruntees a random order would be to fill an array by picking random insertion points. Using the 52 example, start by initializing an array with 52 dummy values that indicate that that spot is empty (-1 would be typical, in this case 0 will also...
  15. snarfblam

    Finding a way to access CURRENT_USER registry as a LocalSystem Service [C#]

    There is an absolute path to any users root registry key (they are all located in HKEY_USERS), but you would need to figure out which one belongs to the current user and have admin access to use the keys this way.
  16. snarfblam

    Check if multible files exists.

    What is the problem that you are having?
  17. snarfblam


    This is probably what your declarations should look like: Private Declare Function GetCursorInfo Lib "user32.dll" (ByRef pc As CURSORINFO) As Integer Structure CURSORINFO Dim cbsize As Integer Dim flags As Integer Dim hCUrsor As Integer Dim p As PointAPI...
  18. snarfblam

    List.Sort(compare_function) - term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 arguments

    Re: List.Sort(compare_function) - term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 argum Maybe B::CompareID should be static?
  19. snarfblam

    Why my operator<< overload doesn't work and prints out a memory location? [C++]

    Im a little fuzzy on my C++ but I think this is your issue. Your overload defines an operator << for ostream and &A (reference to A), but in usage, you have an ostream and list<A*>::const_iterator. The two are not the same, and your operator wont be used. Or not. I guess the Begin method...
  20. snarfblam

    HTML Viewer?

    Sorry. My remark about spambots was nonsense, in response to a bunch of spam on this forum (that, for all I know, you never even saw). In all seriousness, what you need to ask yourself is would anyone ever want to inject malicious code into your app, why, and what could they do? The solution...