problem with mdi children visibilities


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Hi community,

i want to create simple MDI application but ths child forms should be in a special order of visibility (or layer).
For example: if a child form has layer 0 it is always top most of all other child forms. A child form with layer 1 is behind a child form with layer 0 but in front of a childform with layer 2 and so on...

Does anybody know a solution?

Sounds like you need to ditch the idea of an MDI application and create a form with multiple panels. Panels can have an order. Why do you need the MDI style if you are forcing forms to be in a specific order? That isnt what an MDI form is for.
Keep in mind, reordering the forms every time they become out of order is going to produce flickering, and the active form will always try to force itself on top.

I think Hide is as same as Visible = False when you are using Form.Show() method.

But in one particular scenario when I used Form.ShowDialog method, I had certain problems using Hide() method which were solved by using Visible=False.