Re: Tweakui setting question
thanatoid wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in
| news:uyZJ2KzKJHA.920@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
| <SNIP>
|>|> Keep your arrows! That old kludge to remove them was
|>|> broken by a latter day Windows Update. You should keep
|>|> your arrows anyhow to know for sure what you are dealing
|>|> with-- a shortcut or not a shortcut!
|>|>| MS
|>| Yeah, if you're a MORON! Install BOB while you're at it!
|>| (/NOT/ to be taken personally, please.)
|>| The "shortcuts to 'documents' " (fubar forbid we call them
|>| FILES) on the desktop was one of MS's 10 stupidest ideas
|>| ever, giving people another way out of /ever/
|>| understanding the idea of directory and file structures or
|>| disk organization in general.
|> I always rename my desktop shortcuts.
| I only have desktop shortcuts to programs. I am a firm believer
| in basics, and one of those is that you open a /program/, and
| /THEN/ you open the file. All the crap MS has inflicted on us to
| make it easier on people who cannot understand that /A/ program
| opens /A/ file and that it is not a bad idea to keep those files
| in /A/ specific /DIRECTORY/ (as you know, easily done right-
| clicking to properties and "start in" - admittedly, even that is
| black magic to 95% of "computer users") has only created more
| annoyances, even if one gets paid to resolve them.
Nevertheless, you must keep your arrows! It's better to know what your
dealing with -- shortcut or not a shortcut -- than to worry about all of
|> So, that doesn't
|> bother me. As far as directory structure, you can't expect
|> to see that on the desktop, anyhow. You see it in Explorer
|> or your substitute for that!
| No, but concepts and logic are system-wide (I'm talking about
| the "human brain") and "travel" for lack of a better word.
| Someone who has never seen a two-pane file manager and calls
| tech support when their "desktop shortcut" to a file doesn't
| work has NO chance of ever understanding the structure of their
| computer and many other things as well. (The fact most people
| are incapable of thinking and don't WANT to understand anything
| is another subject.)
In some cases, clicking a shortcut that has lost its target will cause
it to go on a searching for it. Then, if found, you may decide whether
it is an acceptable copy or whether to look in the Recycle Bin or to try
a 3rd-party undelete. All of that is good! Who knows whether some of
those tweaks that turn off shortcut arrows will interfere with that
| I readily admit we have gone far beyond any hope of people
| really understanding how to use computers, and all that MS et al
| are doing is making them the REAL "idiot box #2". That used to
| be just a joke, now it's a reality ("Media Edition"!!! Yeay!!!)
| And I believe most people are quite happy with it.
Convenience is a good thing. You can STILL seek to understand the inner
workings if you want-- but just go with convenience if you don't!
| The fact I have been attacked many times just for suggesting
| partitions are a good idea is proof enough that the situation is
| totally hopeless. Apparently people ENJOY defragging overnight
| only to find their 800 GB C: drive has frozen when they wake up.
I've finally gone to multiple partitions. My only regret is that a full
system backup is a tad more difficult to do.
| Still, posting in these groups /is/ a way of killing time.
There's also a certain sense of accomplishment getting things solved
|> Keep your arrows, unless William Tell is your
|> greatgrandfather! There are times to know what you are
|> dealing with-- shortcut or not a shortcut! Dragging &
|> dropping them can produce different results, & you don't
|> want to accidentally delete an important app!
| As previously stated, if you're a moron and don't even know that
| you can rename icons (fubar forbid CHANGE them), whether
| shortcuts or programs or whatever.
| Don't even get me started on dragging and dropping, and how
| /delightfully/ easy WE makes it, especially with an 800 GB C:
| drive with 500 "folders".
Well -- rather than memorize all those drag/drop rules every time one
forgets them (if one ever knew them all in the first place) -- I've
learned it's BEST ALWAYS to R-Drag everything instead of L-Drag. That
way you get a choice when the button is released-- not the least of
which is "cancel"!
| "Where did that come from?"
| "Where did "My Documents" go! I am DEAD!"
| "What /is/ that? Can I delete it?" [Del]
| "What's a "recycle bin"?
R-Drag with the mouse instead of L-Drag to cut those questions in half!
| (...)
| "Honey (Mom, Dad, "teach")! Do you have the tech support phone
| no?"
| [$$$$$$]
| I weep for the post-98SE generation. Actually even 98 is
| unbearable, I use Lite to have the 95 shell. Making everything
| look like the web was THE stupidest idea EVER. Needless to say,
| (almost) everyone loved it.
| (blah blah blah blah blah...........)
| Sigh.
Don't worry. Those who have permanently quit us for XP/Vista will be
back when they have turned half purple of the irradiation!
| --
| Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the
| votes decide everything.
| - Josef Stalin
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,