Re: KB946648 Setup Error Message Heard back from McAfee
Re: KB946648 Setup Error Message Heard back from McAfee
Thanks....what you said to do, I had done last night...uninstalling, using the removal tool, and tried to install the update, which failed again...(I had the update saved to my computer and ran it to try to install it so I wouldn't have to get on the net)...I then reinstalled McAfee so I could get on line again. I'm going to do the 2nd part of your instructions and when it is resolved, which I hope it will be eventually, I'll get back to let you know...I'm going to do this this week, as I have the time....
Thanks SO much......hope something
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message news:OwQf0gvLJHA.5232@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
Happy to see McAfee Support did some more thinking!
Two suggestions:
1a. Uninstall the McAfee application via Add/Remove Programs
NB: You're "working without a net" now: Don't to ANYTHING else online (e.g., browsing; reading email; chatting) except #1b through #1e below until your McAfee application has been reinstalled and fully updated!
1b. Make certain that the Windows Firewall is enabled
1c. Download/run this removal tool:
1d. Reboot
1e. Attempt to install the update manually
1f. Reinstall the McAfee application; if the application includes the McAfee Firewall, make certain the Windows Firewall is now disabled.
2. Start a free Windows Update support incident request:
Support for Windows Update:
For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY in the United States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with security updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB946648).
Good luck.
~PA Bear
"*Corrine*" <> wrote in message news:eU0srCnLJHA.4600@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
I heard back from another tech:
After reviewing MVT report it shows that you only have Windows XP home edition in 32 bit platform. Also, I have checked Microsoft's web site and for some reason, there were 2 different updates containing the "KB946648". One is for 64 Bit platform and the other is for 32 Bit. In my understanding, Microsoft will always send the appropriate update for your operating system. For best results, you can always contact Microsoft for assistance.
For the details on downloading the update as mentioned in "KB946648" for 32 bit platforms, please refer to the link below:
Downloading the updates coming from Microsoft is always recommend as it brings extra security to your computer aside from the security program you have installed on your computer like McAfee Security Suite.
Now, what I recommend regarding the installation of this Microsoft update is to totally uninstall McAfee before downloading and installing the update especially if disabling McAfee Personal Firewall did not allow you to have it. If you have not tried the disabling of McAfee Firewall instructions as per Manny's recent response, please do so.
I followed what they said and I still get the same results....have been working on it on and off today when I got a chance...neither disabling nor uninstalling McAfee helped with installing this update....I'm going to reply back to them that it didn't work......maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck......I'm burned out so much...will check back here tomorrow.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message news:eWi4XmlLJHA.740@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
McAfee's blowing smoke up your skirt!
...based on my research Microsoft update KB946648 is a Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition...please be informed that the McAfee software is not compatible with the Windows XP x64 Edition
Are you running WinXP x64 SP2?
KB936648 is not solely an x64 Edition update and the download you attempted to install manually was not an x64-specific update (though there is one).
For assistance, please see the section How to obtain help and support for this security update here:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin
"*Corrine*" <> wrote in message news:eCLNL3kLJHA.4772@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
I just heard back from McAfee and they said:
Corrine based on my research Microsoft update KB946648 is a Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition. We will give you the instructions on how to temporarily disable the McAfee software however, please be informed that the McAfee software is not compatible with the Windows XP x64 Edition. If you will install this Microsoft update on your computer, you will have some problems with the McAfee software.
I don't think I'll install that particular update...I don't want any problems with my anti-virus. I replied back to them with a couple of other if I hear anything more, I'll post it here..
"Jim" <> wrote in message
Hi "*Corrine*" , try here
to uninstall .
On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 20:42:51 -0700, "*Corrine*"
<> wrote:
>I waited to see if you'd reply to my other reply...but, decided to bite the bullet and do this
>All went well, so far...had lots of 'junk' that's for sure. I did the command sfc /scannow thing and it asked for my XP Home CD...inserted that...rebooted after it finished verifying the files and downloaded updates...there were a few...they all installed EXCEPT for the did the same thing as it had been doing.
>I have McAfee through Comcast and can't find where to disable it (when I had Norton a few years ago, it was easy to do it). I wrote to the McAfee Customer Service for info on how to temporarily disable it and am waiting now for a reply. Will let you know what happens.
>This update is for Windows Live Messenger, isn't it? I wonder if my Messenger is corrupt or something...maybe I need to uninstall it and reinstall it...just my 'uneducated'
> "nass" <> wrote in message news
> Corrine
> Run disk clean up on your Drive.
> You can download this tool o run clean up:
> Run Disk Clean Up with this tool and run the Registry option to clean up the
> left over orphans.
> Open a run command and type in:
> sfc /scannow click [OK]
> Disable your Anti-virus and filrewall Only please for this case and don't
> browse to any other websites other than microsoft to get the updates
> downloaded and installed then don't forget to Renable the Anti-virus and the
> firewall.
> If the above didn't help let us know your Anti-virus maker and Firewall or
> any other anti-malware or security suite installed or uninstalled before the
> recent suite.
> HTH,
> nass
> ---
> "*Corrine*" wrote:
> >
> > Thanks....I did this as instructed and it still didn't work.
> >
> > Going to the site you gave me...I ran the update and the error message I got was the same as I attached in my original post:
> >
> > "Required installation branch was not found in INF file."
> >
> > I also tried downloading from the update site and it went through everything to install, BUT, I got this message:
> >
> > "Some Updates could not be installed:
> > The following were not installed:
> > Security Update for Windows XP (KB946648)"
> >
> > (This is the message that I have gotten every other time I tried it from the update site.)
> >
> > When I've gone to other pages for help...I get lost as to what do I do now!
> >
> > I am still running SP2...mainly, because when I decided to venture out and download SP3, it wouldn't install....
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Corrine
> >
> > "nass" <> wrote in message news
> >
> >
> > "*Corrine*" wrote:
> >
> > > I have been trying to install this update for a couple of weeks...and it seems to install, but then gives me a message that it failed to install. I have never gotten a error number nor any reason for why it won't install. Today I went to this page: and tried to download it here. I followed instructions and it seemed to install, BUT, I got the error message (attached) this time.
> > >
> > > I haven't a clue what this means...except that I'm missing something! I hope it's nothing totally serious.
> > >
> > > Hope I've asked this question in the correct first time being here......
> > >
> > > Thanks....
> > >
> > > Corrine
> >
> >
> > Updates are not installed successfully from Windows Update, from Microsoft
> > Update, or by using Automatic Updates after you perform a new Windows XP
> > installation or you repair a Windows XP installation
> >
> >
> >
> > Open a notepad and copy and paste the following into it and save as
> > update.bat on your desktop. Double click the bat file to excute and click
> > [Yes to register the dlls and reboot your machine and see if that will help!
> >
> > regsvr32 wuweb.dll
> > regsvr32 wuapi.dll
> > regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
> > regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll
> > regsvr32 wucltui.dll
> > regsvr32 wups.dll
> > regsvr32 wups2.dll
> >
> > Reboot your machine and try to download the security KB.
> > Security Update for Windows XP (KB946648)
> >
> >
> > Or let us know the exact verbatim error message you get.
> > HTH,
> > nass
> > ---
> >