Re: Norton
Ha! Not surprising if I'm going on about compression *ration*! I've never in
my life confused ratio and ration and I certainly wasn't thinking *ration*
when I typed it - but unusually I ran the spoilpicker before sending;
however, it didn't find anything, so I can't blame the stoolchicken!
Joan Archer wrote:
> I hope you realise that you've completely lost her now Shane <g>
> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:e6huyBqNJHA.4428@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Heather wrote:
>>> He was half asleep when I asked him your question and he laughed and
>>> said he did miss it.....lol. Haven't a clue what you two are
>>> talking about!!
>> Being kicked up the arse by God!
>> Or. Supposing we're talking about an engine of sufficient 'bang',
>> which is a combination of cylinder capacity and piston compression
>> ration: a four cylinder (or more) layout such as the modern car has,
>> and most modern bikes have, divides said bang into smaller, more
>> rapidly delivered thumps than you get from the single cylinder
>> layout. A fairly high compression twin cylinder engine - such as in the
>> rock'n'roll era Triumphs, Nortons and BSAs, to name just most of
>> them, still packs a punch but is perhaps the perfect compromise
>> between what can become uncomfortable after a while and what can
>> seem so sanitised as to put one to sleep. Of course, a 750cc Triumph
>> (or a 1000cc triple or 1200 four) is like having two or more 350cc
>> single cylinder engines beneath one - but the thump is delivered in
>> more rapid succession than on a single, and that effects how one
>> 'feels' about the ride. Kind of funny to think about it, as we have long
>> talked of the old
>> (pre-Japanese) machines having 'soul', when actually I suppose it is
>> we who have it, just the bike brings it out! Like an elation
>> bubbling up as you realize - or remember - there is a valuable facet
>> of being, normally absent in everyday life. Helps you experience
>> life in the Now, I suppose, to wake from your somnambulist
>> existence. What motorcycling is about. I think a 350 is about the lowest
>> capacity single you can have
>> without raising the compression ration that triggers this
>> bang-induced paradigm shift, while a high compression 250 is too
>> raw, the thump being so jarring as to be distracting. A big twin or
>> multi delivers a different stimulus (you appreciate I'm wildly
>> hypothesizing here!), but it seems to me that this is something to
>> do with frequency, as in the number of bangs within a timeframe
>> having the potential to alter consciousness (perhaps as a form of
>> autosuggestion, though that is more likely in a car
); you know,
>> because a twin of twice the capacity and the same compression at the
>> same rpm delivers two thumps to the single's one and the only
>> difference is they're closer together in time and somehow that makes
>> them more bearable? Maybe that is what to be concious is: to be
>> propelled from one
>> degree of altered state to another and that at any given moment we
>> are not precisely who we were just before. Anyway, there is nothing
>> quite like riding a 350 or 500cc old Brit single cylinder
>> motorcycle, and that part, at least, is not raving!
>> Shane
>>> Figgs
>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:ubmv8diNJHA.1228@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Does he miss the single cylinder thump? I know I do!
>>>> Shane
>>>> Heather wrote:
>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:uH75JMbNJHA.4116@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Heather wrote:
>>>>>>> LOL!! I have goofed on this one before and I will ask him when
>>>>>>> he gets back. The Loon knows which one it is....being a *bike
>>>>>>> freak*. The word Aerial comes to mind as well.
>>>>>> There were no shortage of Ariels. I would guess a Hunter of some
>>>>>> sort
>>>>>> (350 and 500 singles):
>>>>> Good man!! He is standing behind me and says it was an "Ariel 500
>>>>> Single" and he bought it here in Canada and it was a 1951 model.
>>>>> Looks like that picture you posted the link for.
>>>>> He almost ran into the back of a car and scared himself
>>>>> ****less....so
>>>>> he sold it. (G)
>>>>> Heather & the Old Guy
>>>>>> http://www.barkshire.co.uk/bikes/images/ArielNH_1937/ArielNH_1937_Jan8_2006 008.jpg
>>>>>> but there were the square fours:
>>>>>> http://www.britishclassicmotorcycles.co.uk/communities/4/004/005/355/724/images/4522327139.jpg
>>>>>> another of those old Brit designs that the Japanese emulated
>>>>>> decades later and most people thought was new and daring. Not to
>>>>>> take anything away from the Japs though!
>>>>>>> No, his name is *Renaldo y Jose y Maria y Smith*.....grin.
>>>>>> He must have been before his time in so many ways!
>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:OR2xEHLNJHA.740@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> I'd guess an ES2 then. Can't imagine an Inter on Jamaica
>>>>>>>> somehow. Last time
>>>>>>>> I saw one of those was at Bracknell Motorcycle Auction in about
>>>>>>>> '76. Or
>>>>>>>> rather parked outside. I went up on the back of a mate's 350
>>>>>>>> Matchless. Very
>>>>>>>> pretty in the stately silver way Nortons of the pre-rocker era
>>>>>>>> usually were!
>>>>>>>> And the guy who took me to that auction is the only one besides
>>>>>>>> myself I
>>>>>>>> knew from the old days who still rode a Bonnie in the 21st
>>>>>>>> Century.
>>>>>>>> Yes, do ask him what it was.
>>>>>>>> Sure his name isn't really Ernesto?
>>>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>>> "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:uIwtuWKNJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> I think Ron had a Norton bike in Jamaica......I will have to
>>>>>>>>> ask him. Whatever he had, he messed up and never rode one
>>>>>>>>> again. Wussie!! (G)
>>>>>>>>> Figgs (and we are talking *OLD* here.....this would have been
>>>>>>>>> late
>>>>>>>>> '40's)
>>>>>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:eg6eufJNJHA.4456@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> No Joan, unfortunately not. And they don't even make the
>>>>>>>>>> rotary-engined
>>>>>>>>>> Command-er that did so very well in the road racing not so
>>>>>>>>>> long ago!
>>>>>>>>>> Even when we can *still* make something really well the
>>>>>>>>>> powers-that-be
>>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>>> it to fail.
>>>>>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>>>>> "Joan Archer" <joanarcher@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:Oh0tvrINJHA.4716@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Do they still make them ?
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Joan Archer
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.freewebs.com/crossstitcher
>>>>>>>>>>> http://lachsoft.com/photogallery
>>>>>>>>>>> <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:f7a00dce-cb0f-4d3d-9066-bcd58c4e0d69@q35g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 22, 3:32 pm, "Heirloom" <nobodyh...@noplacelike.hom>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Norton for Dummies"............what's wrong with that???
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who else
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Norton be for?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Norton for Commandos?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Now that is a bike!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Shane
Ha! Not surprising if I'm going on about compression *ration*! I've never in
my life confused ratio and ration and I certainly wasn't thinking *ration*
when I typed it - but unusually I ran the spoilpicker before sending;
however, it didn't find anything, so I can't blame the stoolchicken!
Joan Archer wrote:
> I hope you realise that you've completely lost her now Shane <g>
> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:e6huyBqNJHA.4428@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Heather wrote:
>>> He was half asleep when I asked him your question and he laughed and
>>> said he did miss it.....lol. Haven't a clue what you two are
>>> talking about!!
>> Being kicked up the arse by God!
>> Or. Supposing we're talking about an engine of sufficient 'bang',
>> which is a combination of cylinder capacity and piston compression
>> ration: a four cylinder (or more) layout such as the modern car has,
>> and most modern bikes have, divides said bang into smaller, more
>> rapidly delivered thumps than you get from the single cylinder
>> layout. A fairly high compression twin cylinder engine - such as in the
>> rock'n'roll era Triumphs, Nortons and BSAs, to name just most of
>> them, still packs a punch but is perhaps the perfect compromise
>> between what can become uncomfortable after a while and what can
>> seem so sanitised as to put one to sleep. Of course, a 750cc Triumph
>> (or a 1000cc triple or 1200 four) is like having two or more 350cc
>> single cylinder engines beneath one - but the thump is delivered in
>> more rapid succession than on a single, and that effects how one
>> 'feels' about the ride. Kind of funny to think about it, as we have long
>> talked of the old
>> (pre-Japanese) machines having 'soul', when actually I suppose it is
>> we who have it, just the bike brings it out! Like an elation
>> bubbling up as you realize - or remember - there is a valuable facet
>> of being, normally absent in everyday life. Helps you experience
>> life in the Now, I suppose, to wake from your somnambulist
>> existence. What motorcycling is about. I think a 350 is about the lowest
>> capacity single you can have
>> without raising the compression ration that triggers this
>> bang-induced paradigm shift, while a high compression 250 is too
>> raw, the thump being so jarring as to be distracting. A big twin or
>> multi delivers a different stimulus (you appreciate I'm wildly
>> hypothesizing here!), but it seems to me that this is something to
>> do with frequency, as in the number of bangs within a timeframe
>> having the potential to alter consciousness (perhaps as a form of
>> autosuggestion, though that is more likely in a car

>> because a twin of twice the capacity and the same compression at the
>> same rpm delivers two thumps to the single's one and the only
>> difference is they're closer together in time and somehow that makes
>> them more bearable? Maybe that is what to be concious is: to be
>> propelled from one
>> degree of altered state to another and that at any given moment we
>> are not precisely who we were just before. Anyway, there is nothing
>> quite like riding a 350 or 500cc old Brit single cylinder
>> motorcycle, and that part, at least, is not raving!
>> Shane
>>> Figgs
>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:ubmv8diNJHA.1228@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> Does he miss the single cylinder thump? I know I do!
>>>> Shane
>>>> Heather wrote:
>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:uH75JMbNJHA.4116@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Heather wrote:
>>>>>>> LOL!! I have goofed on this one before and I will ask him when
>>>>>>> he gets back. The Loon knows which one it is....being a *bike
>>>>>>> freak*. The word Aerial comes to mind as well.
>>>>>> There were no shortage of Ariels. I would guess a Hunter of some
>>>>>> sort
>>>>>> (350 and 500 singles):
>>>>> Good man!! He is standing behind me and says it was an "Ariel 500
>>>>> Single" and he bought it here in Canada and it was a 1951 model.
>>>>> Looks like that picture you posted the link for.
>>>>> He almost ran into the back of a car and scared himself
>>>>> ****less....so
>>>>> he sold it. (G)
>>>>> Heather & the Old Guy
>>>>>> http://www.barkshire.co.uk/bikes/images/ArielNH_1937/ArielNH_1937_Jan8_2006 008.jpg
>>>>>> but there were the square fours:
>>>>>> http://www.britishclassicmotorcycles.co.uk/communities/4/004/005/355/724/images/4522327139.jpg
>>>>>> another of those old Brit designs that the Japanese emulated
>>>>>> decades later and most people thought was new and daring. Not to
>>>>>> take anything away from the Japs though!
>>>>>>> No, his name is *Renaldo y Jose y Maria y Smith*.....grin.
>>>>>> He must have been before his time in so many ways!
>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:OR2xEHLNJHA.740@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> I'd guess an ES2 then. Can't imagine an Inter on Jamaica
>>>>>>>> somehow. Last time
>>>>>>>> I saw one of those was at Bracknell Motorcycle Auction in about
>>>>>>>> '76. Or
>>>>>>>> rather parked outside. I went up on the back of a mate's 350
>>>>>>>> Matchless. Very
>>>>>>>> pretty in the stately silver way Nortons of the pre-rocker era
>>>>>>>> usually were!
>>>>>>>> And the guy who took me to that auction is the only one besides
>>>>>>>> myself I
>>>>>>>> knew from the old days who still rode a Bonnie in the 21st
>>>>>>>> Century.
>>>>>>>> Yes, do ask him what it was.
>>>>>>>> Sure his name isn't really Ernesto?
>>>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>>> "Heather" <figgyd@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:uIwtuWKNJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>> I think Ron had a Norton bike in Jamaica......I will have to
>>>>>>>>> ask him. Whatever he had, he messed up and never rode one
>>>>>>>>> again. Wussie!! (G)
>>>>>>>>> Figgs (and we are talking *OLD* here.....this would have been
>>>>>>>>> late
>>>>>>>>> '40's)
>>>>>>>>> "Shane" <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:eg6eufJNJHA.4456@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>> No Joan, unfortunately not. And they don't even make the
>>>>>>>>>> rotary-engined
>>>>>>>>>> Command-er that did so very well in the road racing not so
>>>>>>>>>> long ago!
>>>>>>>>>> Even when we can *still* make something really well the
>>>>>>>>>> powers-that-be
>>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>>> it to fail.
>>>>>>>>>> Shane
>>>>>>>>>> "Joan Archer" <joanarcher@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:Oh0tvrINJHA.4716@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>>>>> Do they still make them ?
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Joan Archer
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.freewebs.com/crossstitcher
>>>>>>>>>>> http://lachsoft.com/photogallery
>>>>>>>>>>> <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:f7a00dce-cb0f-4d3d-9066-bcd58c4e0d69@q35g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 22, 3:32 pm, "Heirloom" <nobodyh...@noplacelike.hom>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Norton for Dummies"............what's wrong with that???
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who else
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Norton be for?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Norton for Commandos?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Now that is a bike!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Shane