D. Eth
Re: Only Four More Days to Go!
"Alias ;-)" <iamalias@REMOVETHISgmail.com> wrote in message
> You're a system administrator and too stupid to install and use Ubuntu
> properly? That's sad.
> Alias
You are sad to install it....then admit you know squat about it.
What service do you charge for ?
Carrying the CD ?
You must have dumbask clients.
Got some names ?
My pee in Spain could be called olive oil.
Ens causa sui
Fit caedes omnibus locis
"Alias ;-)" <iamalias@REMOVETHISgmail.com> wrote in message
> You're a system administrator and too stupid to install and use Ubuntu
> properly? That's sad.
> Alias
You are sad to install it....then admit you know squat about it.
What service do you charge for ?
Carrying the CD ?
You must have dumbask clients.
Got some names ?
My pee in Spain could be called olive oil.
Ens causa sui
Fit caedes omnibus locis