Ray Parrish
Re: Move "pagefile.sys" to a different drive
You must be reading some old documentation, as I have a 160gb hard drive
and have used Partition Magic on it with no problems.
Later, Ray Parrish
Bill wrote:
> Bill,
> "partition Magic" documentation indicates it has a
> limit of 80GB HDA's. Mine is 120GB. They also
> want $70 for their package, an amount that would
> be too much to pay for a one-time fix.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> "Bill in Co." <not_really_here@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:OKIuNiLOJHA.2404@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> I think it makes much more sense to keep the system pagefile on the main
>> system partition (C
. Why can't you run a Defrag on that partition? But
>> of course you can always resize the partitions, if desired, with something
>> like Partition Magic.
>> Bill wrote:
>>> I have a partitioned drive that was allocated by an
>>> idiot, so it's a major pain to keep the smaller (c
>>> partition small enough to be in a condition where
>>> it's possible to run a defrag. It would help quite a
>>> bit if I could move my pagefile to the second of
>>> the two partitions. Is that a simple change in the
>>> Registry and a re-boot?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bill
http://www.rayslinks.com/ Web index of human reviewed links.
Trouble shooting and Fixing Windows
http://www.writingsoftheschizophrenic.com My poetry in web pages
You must be reading some old documentation, as I have a 160gb hard drive
and have used Partition Magic on it with no problems.
Later, Ray Parrish
Bill wrote:
> Bill,
> "partition Magic" documentation indicates it has a
> limit of 80GB HDA's. Mine is 120GB. They also
> want $70 for their package, an amount that would
> be too much to pay for a one-time fix.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> "Bill in Co." <not_really_here@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:OKIuNiLOJHA.2404@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> I think it makes much more sense to keep the system pagefile on the main
>> system partition (C

>> of course you can always resize the partitions, if desired, with something
>> like Partition Magic.
>> Bill wrote:
>>> I have a partitioned drive that was allocated by an
>>> idiot, so it's a major pain to keep the smaller (c

>>> partition small enough to be in a condition where
>>> it's possible to run a defrag. It would help quite a
>>> bit if I could move my pagefile to the second of
>>> the two partitions. Is that a simple change in the
>>> Registry and a re-boot?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bill
http://www.rayslinks.com/ Web index of human reviewed links.
Trouble shooting and Fixing Windows
http://www.writingsoftheschizophrenic.com My poetry in web pages