A cool new app Wifi PC File Explorer

Are you tired of slow bluetooth/SMB file transfer? Or going on your computer to transfer a file to your phone? Well we have a solution, Wifi PC File Explorer. This program allows you to manage your files and folders anytime with ease and fast speeds of wifi connection. With this program you can Rename/Delete/Upload/Download/Stream* any files or folders to your phone.
***Supports Microsoft Windows PCs only
2 Explorers : Wifi Explorer And Phone Explorer
Wifi Explorer
2 minutes first time quick setup
Fast & Safe(MD5) File Transfer
Audio, Video and Image Streaming
Watch video without complete download**
Listen songs on fly
Browse images in built-in gallery
Modern style browsing
Supports Thumbnails
-Image(.png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp)
-Video(.mpeg, .mpg, .3gp, .flv, .avi, .mp4, .m4v, .mkv, .wmv, .webm)
Supports Drag Drop (Works since Android 1.6)
For Windows users only
And much more
Built-in Phone Explorer
Advance file manager
Supports thumbnails(images, video, audio, apk, etc)
Supports Move, Copy, Delete, Rename any File or Folder
Properties of any File(s) or Folder(s)
And much more
*Audio, Video and Image can be streamed
**Recommended video player : MX Player (mp4 and flv formats are best in streaming)
Link to Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=x.WifiPCFileExplorerFree
Requirements: Android 1.6 and Up.
Available for Android.
I recommend you to download this new and awesome app.