Re: iTunes 7.3.2
"Angel" <> wrote in message
| Hi MEB,
| No problem with the combining the thread.
| I understand the problem with trying to even download the Podcasts
| using my computer. Even if I can access the lecture notes at the library
| they would be in voice, as I understand it. Then I would have trouble
| getting them to my computer. The last time I used the computer at the
| library there was no sound. If they still have no sound, then I would not
| able to hear them. I will have to check on that before I even try. If they
| had speakers or earphone capability, I could hear them. I would have to
| notes as I do in class.
| I also understand that I would have to have iTunes capability on
| computer in order to transfer the lectures. The only portable devices I
| is s Sandisk flash drive and a floppy disk
| I also found that the Apple Co. has again upgraded the version to
| 7.4.1 as of last night. I do not know what the version is today. It looks
| like they upgrade it almost every week!! At the Apple Site, they had
| giving a presentation and you had to have Quick Time 7 to see it. I could
| hear it but could not see it. It was about the new iPod.
| Thank you so very much for the explanation of things and help. I
| let you all know what happens.
| Angel
Okay, I'll keep looking around occasionally to see if any one makes any
progress on an SE answer.
[Nothing below this but the prior convos]
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:edBJgaQ9HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| >
| >
| > Excuse this, but this thread was splitting apart, so I cut and pasted
| from
| > your other answer to this one.
| >
| > "Angel" <> wrote in message
| > news:uLHN1wL9HHA.5404@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > | {in line below}
| > |
| > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | news:OYBLh1K9HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | > "Angel" <> wrote in message
| > | > news:O%23cWWLB9HHA.600@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > |
| > | > | "Vince" <nobody@home.invalid> wrote in message
| > | > |
| > | > | > On Fri, 7 Sep 2007 14:42:28 -0400, "Angel" <>
| wrote:
| > | > | >
| > | > | > >Some podcasts do work without iTunes. Example: 1.1. Our teacher
| > uses
| > | > the
| > | > | > >iTunes 7.3.2. I have tried his links without the iTunes and I
| could
| > | not
| > | > | get
| > | > | > >it. Maybe his link was wrong, I will keep trying. I found the
| > iTunes
| > | > | 7.3.2
| > | > | > >by Googling it. The site said that Windows 2000 was required.
| The
| > | > newer
| > | > | > >version 7.4 requires XP or later.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > The real question is - where is he distributing his content? If
| > it's
| > | > | > only available from the Apple iTunes web site, it's iTunes only.
| If
| > | > | > it's available from another web site, via RSS or some other
| vehicle,
| > | > | > you should be able to download the content and access it with
| > programs
| > | > | > that work on Windows 98.
| > |
| > | All I know about it is that you need iTunes to get the podcast
| notes.
| > | The instructions say, that "after you download the iTunes Version
| > | then restart the computer. Use the link again. Once you arrive at the
| > | Univesity's region of the iTunes network, navigate to the Arts and
| > Sciences
| > | icon, click on that. then click on the course of his that you want,
| > | click on the podcast you want, and then it should start for you."
| > | When I used his link it did not work. When I typed his link in the
| > | address bar it came up at the Apple website to download the Version
| > | The link I sent you was the link from the Help Desk of the library
| > | his.This was the link that they said to use to download the Version
| 7.3.2.
| > | Angel
| >
| > Again, understood. So as you were advised, if its on the Apple iTunes
| site
| > as a pod cast, either you find some software to access it or you will
| > to access it from some other computer.
| >
| > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "Angel" <> wrote in message
| > | > news:O0DotTJ9HHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > | MEB,
| > | > | I am not trying to download anything to the iTunes. I am
| > to
| > | > get
| > | > | the notes that our professor downloads to iTunes. His podcasts of
| the
| > | > | classes. You need the 7.3.2 version to get his notes. So that is
| > | simple
| > | > | as I can describe the problem. The Link that the dept. gave me
| > | work.
| > | > | So I guess that the best I can do is try to get it up at the
| > University.
| > | > If
| > | > | that does not work, then I am OOL! Oh, well, that's life!!
| > | > | Angel
| > | >
| > | > Okay, that was already understood.
| > | > What I was indirectly trying to show was; that if one intends to
| > attempt
| > | > iPod/iTunes usage in 9X/ME, one will likely need to use a
| *non-official*
| > | > program or pluggin during the attempt. Though the iPod can be used
| > | > pretty much anything, i.e. from a mobile *hard drive* to a
| > | > player [depending upon the hardware version/supported aspects], to
| > provide
| > | > this in an *unsupported* OS like 9X apparently requires something
| other
| > | than
| > | > one of Apple's official versions.
| > | >
| > | > Several parties on the NET are working on *pluggins* and/or
| to
| > | > allow such usage, but these will NEVER be official *Apple
| > for
| > | > 9X/ME as Apple never really intended such usage. Apple is also
| > constantly
| > | > creating newer versions which apparently are NOT compatible with
| > previous
| > | > versions. One could reasonably claim this is done to ensure Apple
| > remains
| > | in
| > | > control of its products and software necessary to use them. One
| > also
| > | > raise claim that this may be an attempt to force iPod users to
| > the
| > | > device. I have seen materials which claim Apple feels that four
| > [or
| > | > less] is the *life* of one of its devices.
| > | > That, of course, remains the major points of contention to the
| of
| > | > Apple's products, be the user running 9X/ME or one of the officially
| > | > supported applications from Apple..
| > | >
| > | > |
| > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | > | news:%23KFKqiF9HHA.2208@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | Maybe you can try to find out if it will work. It took me
| a
| > | page
| > | > | and
| > | > | > | would not even try to download.
| > | > | > | Thanks,
| > | > | > | Angel
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Tried that link, no luck, though it will show info back to
| version
| > | 4.1
| > | > | > [2003].
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Are you downloading TO an iPod, or are you trying from your
| > | drive,
| > |
| > | No, I do not have an iPod. My teacher does.
| >
| > Right, and there lay the problem. If you had an iPod then this
| > would be leading in a different direction.
| >
| > |
| > | > | or
| > | > | > directly from the NET?
| > |
| > | From the NET, I guess.
| >
| > Right, and off of Apple's own site apparently.
| >
| > |
| > | > | >
| > | > | > How about these for 98SE:
| > | > | >
| > | > | > - costs
| > | > | > - MUST donate 5 dollars
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Or how about WinAMP?
| > | > | >
| > | > | > ALL require that you have an iPod [proprietary format]...
| > |
| > | What is *an iPod [proprietary format]*
| >
| > Hmm, think of it like a picture [bmp, gif, jpg, wmf, etc.], or sound
| [wav,
| > mp3, asf, ogg vorbis, aaif, etc.]. Each differing format requires a
| program
| > which supports that format.
| >
| > Podcasts require something that can decrypt/interpret the format.
| > there are other *podcasts* [non-Apple formats] the ones you're trying to
| > access:
| >
| > 1. Are on an Apple forum/site.
| >
| > 2. Were created with Apple's software in its format.
| >
| > 2. And the site checks for iTunes on your computer.
| >
| > How?
| > Here you need to think of something like Adobe Reader. When you access
| > site with a PDF, the Reader is called via its BHO hook to access,
| > and view the PDF. If you haven't installed Adobe Reader [or a program
| > provides that function AND places a hook] then the site link errors.
| > only option is to download the PDF, and use some other local PDF viewing
| > program to open it.
| >
| > Same holds true for iTunes/iPodCasts. IF [emphasis] it were possible to
| > access the podcast and download it to your computer, then you could use
| some
| > program [which supports that format] to view/listen to the teacher's
| > lecture. OR you have to search for some *player* which supports the
| > iPod/iTunes format, works in 98 AND could pass the site check [not
| likely].
| >
| > Apparently though, as the intended podcasts are on Apple [or some
| > subsidiary], likely someone else would have to access the files and
| download
| > them for you since you will fail the installed iTunes\iPod software
| > installation check for the site. I checked iTunesU, and could find no
| public
| > *backdoor* area [even the xml page requires iTunes]. Or as you have
| > suggested, perhaps the school's library or computer area can be used to
| > so..
| >
| > If you could then tranfer that downloaded lecture/class notes to some
| > mobile storage device, you could possibly then use a non-official
| > viewer/player on your 98 system after loading on your hard drive..
| however,
| > you may have another stumbling block: requires QuickTime [7.1.6], though
| > perhaps that has also been addressed within an unofficial application
| >
| > Here's another one.
| >
| >
| >
| > Anyway, seems we've come to a close on the issue. SOL
| >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > ________
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > ________
| > | >
| > | Angel
| > --
| > MEB
| > ________
| >