Host Computer Files In Server

Nope, neither with MyDomain\User1 orMyDomain\Monitores (the 1 i created) works... it shows: The following objects is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is therefore not valid: MyDomains\User1.......
Nope, neither with MyDomain\User1 orMyDomain\Monitores (the 1 i created) works... it shows: The following objects is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is therefore not valid: MyDomains\User1.......

Now the question is: how did you put the user "monitores" is obvious that it is pointing to a domain...
Thank you so much, its almost done, i think i got the basics, th problem is that the main rolle of netlog is allway getting off (have to get it to work, might be a problem) and that unable the domain itself.

Now i need to know how can i remove write protector of the folder, cant find the option... and already checked all permitions, might be another think, i still cant save files in the folder by other computers but already can acess them...

thanks again, i appreciate your help a lot...

PS: forget the write disk protect thing, its just a problem with users, looks like im acessing the folder in other computers as a "everyone", i solve that later or we, i will ask for more help if you dont mid, right now i need to know how can i restrict or know the space available in thes folder... where can i find that?

Accessing that folder can be made by typing the network share (\\ip\share name) or by its network path (\\ip\c$\myfolder) you must use the second method. On your client open computer and select MAP NETWORK DRIVE.