You may come across this error message when you access your website: “Can’t reach this page. There was a temporary DNS error. Error code: INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND”

As the error mentions, there might be a problem with the DNS record of your application. However, for the issue I worked on, the root cause was the corruption in the IE registry setting.
We renamed the Connections container in the registry key below. After a server restart, a new Connections container was created and the application started working.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Internet Settings > Connections
My guess is that an Windows update or another system-level change can cause this issue.
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As the error mentions, there might be a problem with the DNS record of your application. However, for the issue I worked on, the root cause was the corruption in the IE registry setting.
We renamed the Connections container in the registry key below. After a server restart, a new Connections container was created and the application started working.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Internet Settings > Connections
My guess is that an Windows update or another system-level change can cause this issue.
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