Found a Bug?

I just noticed the title of the main page says "Visual Basic Help",
obviosuly left over from the DNH. :)
This is .NET, and no longer Visual Basic. New experts and gurus will be chosen over the course of the next week. It makes no sense to award titles that dont apply at this forum, and we dont intend to.
Thats understandable, but its just that Bob specifically said on the
other forum that statuses wouldnt change yet. I, for one, asked
for my title removed this morning, so it doesnt particularly affect
me, but what ever.. :-\
He did say this:
This is a seperate site and will have new experts/gurus, mods and leaders as the userbase grows.
Setting that aside however, I dont see how these removals are much of a suprise. Im definately not trying to hurt anyone by this, but as you implied above it doesnt make sense to have a badge you havent earned.
In case it was missed, it is trying to insert attachments into the
database, causing an SQL error. Seems like the hack installed on
the VB forums to only put links in the database is partially here
and partially not.
What is the definition of Visual Basic?

If you need Visual Basic Help then head over to Extreme Visual Basic Forum
I think you should specify Visual Basic <= version 6.

And I think the link is causing me to be logged out. (with it not having the www. prefix.)
Personally, I think the blank category should be removed, and a
small announement put in the header under the logo saying something

This forum was created to help with the .NET framework and related subjects. If you need help with any other languages (primarily Visual Basic 6 and under), please visit our sister site at Thank you.
Any reference to this site being associated with a VB6 site should be as insignificant as possible, if its even there at all.

I can see the benefit in linking to this forum from the other, but I really cant see why we need to do vice versa at this point.
We dont want to look like we are anti-VB6; we do still run a
VB6 forum, and I think we should give people who find this forum
easy access to VB6 help, should they need it. Plus, itll cut down
on the misplaced posts. ;)
The trouble is that people rarely read the title text and this lack of attention will just cause the mods more work. The blank board category for a lot more obvious. However, I do think that the link need to stand out more. Maybe underlined all the time.
Well, we could always add the header without removing the category;
I just think it would stand out more. :-\ If it would involve too much
work, then forget about it, but if its just a simple addition (even if
its just to the default forum style; thatd do, I think) I think it would
be worth it.
The attachment problem is going to a bear to straighten out. I made a huge codng mistake when I added it. I didnt comment all of the db changes so I am trying to figure out what exactly I did. The index that the error reflects in a field I added called filedata is what is messing things up. The files go into a dir intead of vbs default which is to be stored in the db. The only thing added to the db is an index. I cleared that field, but, until I find my changes to the db layer they wont work.