Found a Bug?

Thats what happens when a post is deleted/moved. There are quite
a few of those errors around the forum.
Oh... guess I havent been observant enough in the past.

It makes me wonder what else Im missing... :)
Speaking of missing, whats going on with the Web Forms sub forum of the Active Pages .Net sub forum of the Language Specific sub forum of .Net... [Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL] according to the previous sub forum, it says that there are two posts there, but I fail to see either... were those deleted too?
(also wanted to try out the button link ^^^ go ahead and click the image )
I believe the problem is with using styles that dont fully support
the hack, or something. I think its looking for images in

Comuter Help

for example.
I am guessing Volte is right because I am using Lite With Blue on
this forum rather than BlueVelvet. I expect if I was using a style
with the virtual URLs, it would work. And it is only when clicking
Buckys link.

Of course, I am using IE6 SP1 too, so you never know. ;)

[edit]Yeah, changed to BlueVelvet and images come up.[/edit]
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I checked with Bob last night, and he says its still the SP1 issue. I have the same problem with other styles; fortunately, I use BlueVelvet. :)
Remember that the user statuses here are a snapshot of the statuses on DNH when this forum was created. Obviously Lebb hasnt been promoted here yet.
Originally posted by Iceplug
Speaking of missing, whats going on with the Web Forms sub forum of the Active Pages .Net sub forum of the Language Specific sub forum of .Net...

Never mind... I didnt change the view last posts date. :p
Originally posted by Banjo
Remember that the user statuses here are a snapshot of the statuses on DNH when this forum was created. Obviously Lebb hasnt been promoted here yet.
Also, while the leadership of DNH at the time of E.NFs creation got to keep their roles if they wanted, the two sites will each have distinct sets of leaders/mods/admins, so having a leadership role on one site doesnt necessarily mean that the same will apply for the other.
Hmm... this is odd. After replying to this thread, I notice that it is marked as unread. I tried reopening the thread, and also marking the forum as read, but in all cases the thread still shows as unread. No big deal, I just thought it was strange. Anyone have a clue why this would happen?

[edit] Well, after testing for a bit, it seems due to the "Automatically login when you return to the site?" setting in user options. Not quite the behavior Id expected, but at least I know how to resolve it now. :)[/edit]
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This forum software has never worked right for me. It is always thinking threads are unread when they have been (even when mine is the last post) OR thinking that Ive read threads that I havent.

Ive kind of gotten used to it by now though :)
I have noticed recently that the little icons in the left hand column do seem to work as you would expect. Its just the large blue "new post" buttons that remain when they shouldnt.
I always use the Last Poster/Last Post Times marker as my new
post indicator; never use the little red icons (however, the little
open/closed envelope beside threads is accurate, so thats useful).

BTW, congratulations on your new EVB status lebb! :)
I have had very little problem with the mark forum as read on this
site/version of Vb. It isnt supposed to mark individual threads as
read just because you read them (at least it never has at any
time for me). But when I mark a forum as read, it resets all the
posts as read.
But it does in fact mark them as read when youve read them. The envelope icon changes from open to closed.