can't see asp project in the browser


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2002
i"m totaly new in the asp.
i tryed to build simple app. that show text, one button and changes the text by pressing it.

when i move from desigh mode to the browser i cant see the button and the text is in the upper left corner insted of in the middle.

i cheked and i cant see any other controler in the browse mode, just the ones i takefrom the "html tag".

what do i do wrong?
originally posted by yaniv
even with no code,
i cant even see the button.

i just tryed this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

text1.text = "wow"

End Sub

butas i said, the browser window is just empty (with the "hello" text in the upper left.
are you adding the Text box at design time or run time?

when you do text1.text = "wow", does it appear on the page?
I asked the question in DNH and then discoverd the new forum for the .NET.

I"m building the controlers in desigh mode, and when i press the "build and browse" command, i cant see the button in the browser, and the text is in upper left corner.
I tryed to hit f5 and got the same result. it is WebControl. HTML control i can see and press.
If your project is not too large, can you zip it and post it here, because I cant see why a control placed at design time is not rendering.
the project

even unzip it isnt too big:

there is two forms, one include the web control (which i cant see in my browser) and one include the HTML control (which i can)


You need to include the ASP.NET pages (.aspx) and the code-
behind pages (.aspx.vb, if you are using them) in the zip file, not
just the Solution file.
Its probably because the Solution gets saved (by default) to My Projects, I always prfer to save the solution with the rest of the files in the wwwroot.

It make it more portable. Just a piece of advice to all.
may be the reason i cant open the file is that the solution saved in "my projects" and the pages in wwwroot?

how ever, i dont know how to save the .sln file in another place!!
couldt find the way to do it!

(doest the forms should be part of the project?)
You should have a folder in the wwwroot called picturealbum (probably).
Everything you need is in that folder, thats the folder to zip.
You main problem may be in the picturealbum.vbproj.webinfo file. the URL is "http://yaniv2/shoresh/picturealbum/picturealbum.vbproj" and it should be "http://localhost/picturealbum/picturealbum.vbproj".

Let me know if this works for you...


I think i have great problem in understanding where i dhould locata the files. i opened your attachment to "wwwroot", andwhen i trying to open the files i get error massege:
"the default web access modefor this project is set to file share, but the folder at http://localhost/TestWebPage" cannot be opened with the path "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\TestWebPage".

the truth is i cant understand what he want...
open picturealbum.vbproj.webinfo from your project and
this file TestWebPage.vbproj.webinfo from my project...
Open both in Notepad.... what is the URL in each? paste them here.
in my:
<Web URLPath = "http://yaniv2/shoresh/picturealbum.vbproj" />

in yours:
<Web URLPath = "http://localhost/TestWebPage/TestWebPage.vbproj" />

i tryed to change the path in my proj. (deleted the "yaniv2" and change it to "localhost") i got error massege "you are not alowed to open this file"

i" realy frustrated!
You got the error message because you had the project already open in .NET, close .NET and try again.

Do you get an error message when opening your project? If not, then change mine to "http://yaniv2/shoresh/TestWebPage.vbproj"
i cant make it work. i tryed to double click the webform and what i got is that the .NET opened in desigh mode with a HTML code.

do you think the problem might be in my ISS properties?
i tryed to conect another computer and open the file via his browser and didnt got anything.

"yaniv2" is my comuter name.