can't see asp project in the browser

I have a new post.

i downloaded the samles from msdn (that divil recomended), and tryed to run the "how to build web app."
in that pros. sample too, i can see only the text and cant see any of the buttons!! the page is just empty!

can it be a problem with my browser ( i use winXP)?
Do you get any errors while the Solution is loading into the .NET envirnoment?
Does the IIS start with your solution?
I cant remember on XP, (it should be the same)

open "Internet Services Manager" from Adminstrative tools then click on you computer server name and see if Default Web Site is RUNNING.

Also, find your project folder in Default Web Site and right-click on it to get its Properties...

in the Property Dialog there is a button next to Application Name, does it say Create or Remove? If it says Create Click on it.
I"m sorry, i clicked the create (the first was "remove", i clicked it and then "create").
i opened the project, hited f5 and couldt see the WebControler.

really sorry about the bother.
I didnt suggest any of that because I thought you had apsx file working in the past. Hope it works.

The easiest first-step measure is to Uninstall the Framework then re-install it.
Not .NET, only the Frmework.
And make sure that that IIS is fully functional before you do this.