Major unsolvable problem

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2003
Sydney, Australia
i have a form

it hasa button
click on it a font dialog appears
user selects it

then the font is applied to be preivewd in a label

and then the font name displayed

once the user clicks on apply

the font is applied to the main form

i.e. mainform.font = fontdialog.font

this is what i put in the appply button

dim mainform as new frmmain

mainform.font = fntdlg.font

what happens is it keeps creating new main forms and loading and my system tray has like 20 billion of the app opened

i have no way of doing it

any way u guys?
Because on this line:

dim mainform as new frmmain

You are creating a new instance of your main form. You dont want to do this, you want to refer to the instance which is already there. There are many ways to do this, the most common of which is to pass it in the constructor of your options form:

Dim f As New frmOptions(Me)

Then your options form can retain that object to refer to the already open form.
In your first form, when you create the instance of the options form. I suggest you go and read about constructors in the help system.
sorry im really bad with programming im just trying to implement most of the features
its for my major assignment
i have no idea wat im reading so yea
ok the mainform opens the font dialog from a menu item

the code as is..

Private Sub mnuFormatAppBaseFont_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuFormatAppBaseFont.Click
        Dim appbasefont As New frmAppBaseFont()

    End Sub

where appbasefont is the font form

now the font form has a button , once u click on it out comes a font dialog box, user selects a font, and then they get a preview of it in a label and the name of the selected font in a text box, this is the code for the browse button which opens a font dialog

        lblPreviewBox.Font = fntAppBase.Font
        txtFontSel.Text = fntAppBase.Font.Name
        btnApply.Enabled = True

ok now when the user clicks apply the selected font the user has

chosen is changes the main forms font

First put
Imports Microsoft.Win32
on top of the code

Dim key As RegistryKey
Dim subkey As RegistryKey
key = Registry.LocalMachine
subkey = key.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\")
subkey.SetValue("ProgramName", "ProgramPath")
Call subkey.Close()
Call key.Close()
By checkbox?
You mean that if user checks the check box and presses a button the program will start with windows?
yea its within my options

should i just do a select case on the ok button

and case true

then add blah blah

or case false

delete key

how do i remove the key?
Change the previous code to:
Dim key As RegistryKey
Dim subkey As RegistryKey
key = Registry.LocalMachine
subkey = key.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ProgramName")
subkey.SetValue("ProgramName", "ProgramPath")
Call subkey.Close()
Call key.Close()

And here is one that will delete it:

Dim key As RegistryKey
key = Registry.LocalMachine
Call key.Close()
Try this:

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim f As New Form2()
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
ok currently

the splash form is set as the start up object

the form has a timer

once the form loads the timer gets executed

and the timer has the following code

dim counter as integer

counter +=1

if counter =3 then

dim mainform as new frmmain

end if
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Is that in the timer event?
If it is just use what i said before and set interval to 3000.
Also i think that you program ends before you get the main form showed because you closed the only form of app before you open new one.
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