Major unsolvable problem

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When you drag the timer into your form, set the interval of timer to 3000 cause you 3 seconds right,set enabled to true.
In the code: when timer reaches 3 seconds you have to turn it off by putting enabled = false so it wont continue, otherwise you would get a new form shown every 3 seconds instead of once.
Oh, now when i reread your post i think i get what you ask and how would it tick. The tick event will be executed when timer reaches the interval. So when it ticks after reaching the interval you have to disable it so it wont tick again and show another form.
cywizz it isnt how i wanted it

i got a mainform

and a font form

mainform has a menu
user clicks on it
and it opens up the font form

on the font form

theres a browse button

once the user selects the font from the browse button whcih opens a font dialog

then they get a preview and the fonts name in a label on the font form

then they can click apply

and the mainforms font will be changed to wateva they desire
wow its rite!!!! thats how i wanted it


im not getting how u get the _parent thing and _selected font tow rokwhere u declare it?
hmm i copied the class variables in
and the little code for the apply button in my project
it aint working too well
i get object reference error
I assume youre getting the error on the click event of the apply button..... Have you created the new constructer with the parent reference, and did you set the passed in form to the local _parent variable?
Try to understand what I did, rather than copying the code....Once you understand these concepts(constructors/overloading/object refs) you will find it a lot of fun, and you never will want to go back to vb6 :o
i still am not understanding it too well read it over and over

tried to replicate it first to get it working

didnt work

copied region constructor

and class variables and also bounded it by the region events
You cant just copy the example code and expect it to work. Understand my example in context of yours, and apply the best solution based on that.

btw, you cant just copy the events, because Im using my own control names... It looks like the events isnt firing... try to step through your code
Ok, forget about regions... regions are just a way of grouping your code (part of documentation...)
Step through your code... that is the ONLY way you can determine where and what the problem is...
i see zero errors wrong with my code

stepped through it all
went through the windows generated form code

this is the code for the font form

#Region "Constructor"
    Public Sub New(ByVal parent As Form)
        fire other constructor
        set the module level variable
        _parent = parent
    End Sub

#End Region
#Region "Class Variables"

    Private _parent As Form
    Private _selectedFont As Font

#End Region

#Region "Events"
    Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click


    End Sub

    Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBrowse.Click

        _selectedFont = fntAppBase.Font
        lblPreviewBox.Font = _selectedFont
        txtFontSel.Text = _selectedFont.Name

        btnApply.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click

        _parent.Font = _selectedFont

    End Sub

    Private Sub frmAppBaseFont_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
        _parent.Font = _selectedFont
    End Sub
#End Region

End Class
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hmm i copied the class variables in
and the little code for the apply button in my project
it aint working too well
i get object reference error
so where does the error occur? The only problem I see is when the cancel button was clicked on the fontdialogbox (_selectedFont will be nothing)
ok i finally got it

it was all the main forms fault

the dim frmfnt as new frmfont ()

i missed the (me) out

wat does that do? the me
It passes the mainforms reference (me) into the fontform (via the constructor). This reference is then set to the variable: _parent.
Read up on constructors and overloading, it will explain it better.
thanks i got most of the box underway one last error free thing i need to do is
checking the cancel button

say the font form is loaded

and the user opens the font dialog they selected a font and then clicked cancel and clicked on OK it applied still


how do i control the cancel button so it does nothing
Im going to draw the line here... this problem should be solved by even the novice of vb6 developers.
I do suggest, as divil did, to get yourselve a proper book. I used, and recommend, Professional VB.NET - ISBN 1-861004-97-4
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