What does everyone here do?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
Im curious as to what the folks on these forums actually do for a living. Ive been randomly coming to these forums since they were put up and still have no clue as to what the regulars do in real life. :)

I guess I should start; Im a full time student, but its summer right now so Im taking what time I can to put the knowledge Ive learned to some use in semi-real world applications, that way I can learn more.
Im still learning :)
Started programming like 8 months ago, four of which were very poor attempts at programming in VB5/6, then after those 4 months i realized .NET is the way to go :). Before i started i looked at programming like some kind of very foreign language and wondered how people can do it :)
Im a systems developer using VB, Access VBA and now VB.NET.
Have programmed in (years agos PASCAL, C, C++, Assembler).

Started life programming on the Sinclair ZX81, then onto commodore64 then into databases on PC for work.

My programming experience has grown steadily with my work I do for my employer as well as fun stuff at home.
with VB might be using Active-X controls. coz its too much hard to develop Sytems with VB.

Up til now I had developed numerous end user apps with Access97 & AccessXP mainly using VBA within.

Since getting VS .NET Pro I have found it a dream to write applications using VB.NET and ADO.NET with a raw Access backend database. When things progress Ill move onto MSDE, but for now Access will do.

The current app Im writing, a maintenance servicing contracts system has been no harder to create using VB .NET than using Access VBA, in fact far more versatile!
I am a full time computer science student as well as working 40 hours a week. My job couldnt be any further away from programming and it isnt really anything worth mentioning. :-\
Me a Developer in Internet Services Provide just doing nothing all day sitting in fornt of computer and searching for more download able developr tools.
Download is like having sex
More you do more you wanna have

Mostly work with Borland C++ and Microsoft C++ and now with C# and .NET classes so much enjoyment with this.
Full-time CS degree student just finished (today) my first year.
The course is in Java, VB is more of a hobby. Im still using VB6
and C++ a lot and am more active over at our sister site.

Cool, youre not to far behind me. Make sure you take the first Data Structures course by the end of your second year. :) Its required to take 90% of the upper division courses and is transferable anywhere (at least, this is true for all of the California colleges Ive looked at)

Sounds suspiciously like a porn star. :)
Originally posted by wyrd

Sounds suspiciously like a porn star. :)


I see most of you are almost done with education :)
Anyone planning on joining bill and his crew in their quest when you finish? :) ;)
I intend to join Bill and his crew as soon as they contact me with an offer :P
Originally posted by mutant
Hehe :)

I would have nothing against him if he stopped thinking with money.

Please dont turn my thread into a flame war of anti-MS propaganda. Start another thread for that.