What does everyone here do?

Anti-ms propaganda kind of loses any impact it might have had when its posted on a forum devoted to developing with a platform MS invented ;)
This is no way anti-MS propaganda.
I specifically said Bill.
I got nothing against MS, Windows is a great OS, i hope they make even better one, the platform is great.
There is a difference about not liking one person and a whole huge company :)
Im a little late on this reply, sorry.

Im just back from Jamaica, great vacation. A woman on the beach asked who was reading the SQL programing book on vacation and then emphatically labeled me a freak when I admitted it was mine.

Im an obstetrician/gynecologist, in practice for 17 years. Im not sure but I bet that beats Orbitys job in terms of far removed from the programming world. Ive got an AS400 in my basement that I retired from my billing department last year. It is still a source of amusement for me now. It wasnt obsolete, but we went to a new platfrom. I write code for my office and fellow physicians, diverse stuff, mostly related to payroll, payables and recievables....and file management stuff (monitoring services). Database manipulation (thus the SQL freak thing) is a favorite theme and ADO.net has lead to an interest in ASP.net.

Interesting thread Wyrd, thanks for starting it.

Ive got an AS400 in my basement that I retired from my billing department last year. It is still a source of amusement for me now.
What kind of amusement can you get from an AS400?

Dont you know those things cause cancer - you should get rid of it. ;) ;)
Im an obstetrician/gynecologist, in practice for 17 years

I find this interesting. Some of the experts on these forums dont actually program for a living. To gain such knowledge in programming is an amazing achievement in its own, let alone while having a totally unrelated job.

A woman on the beach asked who was reading the SQL programing book on vacation and then emphatically labeled me a freak when I admitted it was mine.


What kind of amusement can you get from an AS400?

Dont you know those things cause cancer - you should get rid of it.

LOL some more!
Originally posted by jfackler
...Im an obstetrician/gynecologist, in practice for 17 years. Im not sure but I bet that beats Orbitys job in terms of far removed from the programming world...
Actually you and I are both in the medical field, however, you make far more money than I could even wish for at this point in my life ;)

I dont even have access to a computer at my work though :(
Im in the middle - Im 29 and have been programming in basic since I was 13 :-O I do mostly client/server type database apps using MS stuff (vb, vb.net, access, sql server), and also a pro developing in Cold Fusion.

Other things I "do"..
- into making my 69 stang something faster and scarier
- rock climbing - my new obsession.. I guess I like to get high :p
Studend 15y,
Been programing sinds my 12y in vb6,
Now im programing in vb.net, php, coldfusion(only 2 ppl here it seems), some html(well that nog realy programming)
I mostly make application for making teh usage of other(mostly console) application easy, and most of the time they get to the net ;), well for the rest im super boring, dont like reading, unless it computer related or fantasie :p, last vacation ive red 2 book on coldfusion so most ppl thing im a freak :-\
abd some more blabla here and blabla there, you all spleeping by the time you read this :D so ill shud up for a well;)
Well , I was a Photocopier and Fax engineer for 15 years for Toshiba.
but i have severe health problems and cannot work , so as of last year i am retired through illness.
I only started with vb6 around 18 months ago to help me take my mind off things, then moved on to vb.net and now C# also, now i find that helping out on vbforums gets me through the days ( and obviously my family ).
on the odd ocassions that im not sat here, i like to play the guitar and might take up fishing again at some point. but in 3 weeks to the day we will have a couple of new additions to the family , so the pc will sit on the backburner for a while i think :)
over educated construciton worker.

mcse (pro-tem)

work for irrigation company doing service stuff since i cant find a programming position anywhere.

been writing code freelance and in a real job since 1979.....god im gettin old.
This is a great thread!!!

Im an Industrial Engineer for about 30 years (I hope theres someone older than me on this forum) with a BSIE and an artist with a MFA. Ive been published 1,000s of times and have just started programming in VB about 7 months ago (I know it shows by some of my questions) while waiting for my US grant...more about that later, after its funded (damn the government can be verrrrry slow with funding grants).
Im sorry to hear about your health problems, dynamic_sysop - I had no idea.
Im a full-time student, going into my 5th and last year of a comp. sci. degree (I know, Im slow). Ive been a programmer at a major aerospace company for the past 6 years or so, using mostly VB6 but got to do some ASP, some Java, and some Access (ick). In a couple years well be moving to .Net here, so me and my co-workers are currently working on getting MS certified with .Net (MCSD).
Originally posted by wyrd
Im curious as to what the folks on these forums actually do for a living. Ive been randomly coming to these forums since they were put up and still have no clue as to what the regulars do in real life. :)

Graduate who spends too much time on the internet. ;)

Ohhh, you meant for money? Well, as of this post, proactive monitoring over systems (like the AS400) for a fortune 100 company.