MDIChild form - Scroll


Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Im creating an mdi application. my child form is kind of long and as i tab over from one text box to another once i get near the end of the form i cant see where the focus is at. The focus may be at the bottom of the page, but the bottom page of the form is not seen. suggestions???
Make your own textbox that inherits from textbox class, and on GetFocus readjust the child window, so that the textbox is on the screen.

Hopes this helps.
How do I go about adjusting the childwindow.?

Ive tried setting the location of the form, that seems to work.....but the scrollbar stays in the exact same location until i focus over it. Once i do that it adjusts the scrollbar automatically. I want it to automatcially adjust itself without me having to place the pointer over the scrollbar.

Another thing i tried doing was making the child form smaller than the parent form, but then i get too many scrollbars and i cant seem to eliminate the parent form scroll bars.
