Need input on game graphics..


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
Im making a Tetris style game, and Im thinking of making these as the blocks that fall (theyll be in shapes of course like Z shape, L shape, etc). Obviously looking at the graphics Im not going for a total Tetris clone. :P I need some input.. good, bad, suck, wth am I thinking? etc.. Theyre 32x32 pixels too btw.


I suppose its no accident they look like the four elements.
Theyre ok graphics but do they relate in some meaningful way to the shapes and your game theme?
Im not much of a gamer. A simple tetris clone wouldnt catch (or hold) my attention. Some unique graphics are great, but a unique theme or unique shape/fill scheme would be even better.

Ive just used the Tetris idea as a bases for my game. The goal of the game will be different and it wont exactly be Tetris either.

In any case, yes theres a reason why the blocks are the four elements. That actually pleases me that you were able to tell from just a glance.

Any further thoughts for improvement? Its a tad hard to make blocks look exciting. I could post the larger version of the images if thatll help, but I figured itd be better to see them at game size then the size I built them at (which was 96x96 btw)
Hey wyrd, you might consider a skin effect? Many user choices. In Tetris its only important that they match, right? How about cars or homes or faces :-). Glass looking blocks with reflections, shaped blocks on some neutral square ie circle 3D shape on square background...

Some of my underwater photos would work very well in your format.

Hmm.. maybe a skin option of some sort could be used, but not for the blocks. The idea behind the game is Tetris, but its not really Tetris anymore. So the blocks need to stay the four elements. Yes I know its fairly cheesy, but this is my first game and Im trying not to complicate things to much. :)
Those images are cool I would deafeanetely use them. You can use GDI+ to draw them, and if the user wants to change them(say classic style bricks) you can just change the images that your procedure draws. Pretty easy. What type of API were you planning on using? GDI or DirectX?.

Note: You are not alone! I am a avid gamer I have just completed Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past for Gameboy Advance and I am still working on xenosaga for PS2, and im the same age as you! (I believe you said you were 22 in one of you other post)
Im using GDI+. I see no reason to dive into DirectX until I get to the more complex games. Especially since my math skills lack, I have no right doing 3D graphics just quite yet. :) Itll be a year before I can get my math skills up to that level. Theres always of course DirectDraw, but still wont be needed until later. If I cant make a simple 2D game run efficiently with GDI+ then Im doing somethin wrong.

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