Tooltip size


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
UK - Greece
Hey guys, does anyone know how can be specified the size of the tooltip. What i mean is that if you put a very long tooltip say 100 words, the tooltip comes out 1024 pixels in width which is quite anoying and for a form thats 300 pixels really anoying :) ..
any ideas ?
You should be able to change the ToolTips width once you get its hWnd. Theres a protected property/variable that contains the hWnd, you can use a function to call into it (I cant remember its name) or Inherit the class. [You can use SetWindowPos API to change the size if you cant get a Form object from the hWnd]
What you can do is use Enters in the tool tip text thus dividing it to more than one line. For example :

Tip.SetToolTip(txtUSername,"Enter you username here " & chr(13) & "your username should be" & chr(13) & "your personal email")

Hope this helps,
mehyar thanks, ive already done that.. i was looking for the correct way to do it.
AndreRyan, can you please give an example ?