.Net Blues

Its also worth pointing out that asp.net costs the same as php - nothing. Its a part of the .net framework and if you use the Web Matrix IDE to develop sites with it, you dont even need a computer with IIS to test them on. The IDE has its own webserver written in .net.
Denaes, do you realize that youre comparing a scripting language with a programming language, Im sorry but it cannot be done.

Also, let me quote my first post in this thread....

If you
Originally posted by Robby
Denaes, do you realize that youre comparing a scripting language with a programming language, Im sorry but it cannot be done.

It was done :p

I can and did compare them.

You can compare any simularities and differences, so long as you explain them.

You cant just say "Flash is better than .Net" because thats Apple and Oranges. Why is it better, for what jobs?

You can explain what sort of functions one can perform and if it can be performed by the other, and if so, how easy, how many features, how optimised, etc.

I can say that both Flash/ActionScript and .Net can be run off of web pages. Then I can compare that feature:

Flash requires no special serverside software
.Net requires .net compatable software

Ive heard .Net is much quicker and can be used for high traffic programming.
Flash is fairly good at this, but I wouldnt even say its in .Nets league.

Flash is more portable, probobly because there isnt a requirement for a server, just a flashplayer and webbrowser.
.Net is portable to handheld devices (flash just began this about a month ago I believe), though currently is only Microsoft compatable. Can you just run a .Net web app on any computer without recoding or compiling? (im not sure about this)

There I compared something about the two.

This is what you do when you figure out which tool you want to use for a job. You look at what features you need to use, compare the two and figure the trade-offs.

Is the extra speed needed? Do you need the nitty gritty detail of .Net? Do you have access to a .Net compatable server?

Now, Im pretty sure if you compare features, .Net is going to have many more ways to get something done and in better speed with specialized customizations (just streamreader has like 100 variations of streaming)

Also, let me quote my first post in this thread....

If you
Originally posted by divil
Its also worth pointing out that asp.net costs the same as php - nothing. Its a part of the .net framework and if you use the Web Matrix IDE to develop sites with it, you dont even need a computer with IIS to test them on. The IDE has its own webserver written in .net.

This sounds interesting. Ill have to check out this Web Matrix IDE :D
Why are you comparing portability of Flash and ASP.NET? Once you build a web page in either, anyone from anywhere, at any time and any place, can view the web page. Except when I view an ASP.NET I wont get those lame "upgrade now" messages. :P

Speed is important, speed is very important. Ever had thousands of people hammering your site per day? By all means, use flash and force them thousands of users to look blankly at a loading screen.

It sounds like youre trying to compare things which you have no experience with. My advice is to actually try ASP.NET before you comment again.

It was done

I can and did compare them.


Its also worth pointing out that asp.net costs the same as php - nothing. Its a part of the .net framework and if you use the Web Matrix IDE to develop sites with it, you dont even need a computer with IIS to test them on. The IDE has its own webserver written in .net.

Ahhh thats right. Forgot about that.
I never said I was building a webserver or asp site.

I said I was going to use Flash as an alternative to VB.Net for creating an application, which also could be thrown up on a web server (which is a bonus) as well as being run on client computers.

I already weighed the fact of speed of programming vs speed of use.

And Portability is very important. It doesnt matter if youre just running something off a server, but I"m not. Im still creating an application for use on computers.

You guys brought up ASP.Net, Im using Flash ActionScript as an alternative to VB.Net.

Im sure Ill try ASP.Net soon now that I found a program that acts as the server (a few posts up)
My mistake, when I hear Flash I automatically think Web, thats why I brought up ASP.NET.
So youre creating desltop applicaions using Flash?
Originally posted by Robby
My mistake, when I hear Flash I automatically think Web, thats why I brought up ASP.NET.
So youre creating desltop applicaions using Flash?

Its a big bonus that you can just upload the file and run over the web also.

its not a terribly complicated application, all it needs is to read/write XML datascructures (for datastorage), other than that, perform some math functions.

Its mostly a Role Playing Game Assistant. (tabletop, not computer RPGs). Lets the Gamemaster (person in charge) keep track of locations, plot points, adventures, characters, notes, random plot/adventure generation, die rolling (with statistical info based on die type), NPC and villian storage.

With flash I can also (way more easier than with VB) add in a way to create maps, combat representations.

Its also going to have a logon, so players can view and update their stuff without seeing the GMs secrets.

Just like that, lickity split, you can put it up on a server and your players can get their information from the internet.

I KNOW vb.Net can do all the things I want, but some of them (anything involving graphics for instance) is just another realm of complexity.

So like I say, ActionScript 2.0 seems to be the best tool for my job right now.

For all I know, there are other languages/scripts that would work better, but for graphics WITH programming, Flash is the easiest Ive seen. Not the most efficient, just easiest :)

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