Donald L McDaniel
Re: Vista SP1 "tries to hide the Ultimate Extras shame"
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 19:50:26 -0600, The poster formerly known as 'The
Poster Formerly Known as Nina DiBoy' <none@none.not> wrote:
>Donald L McDaniel wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:39:52 -0600, "Bobby McNulty"
>> <snyder100@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Most of the Linux crowd are commies any way.
>> Bobby, Bobby, Bobby...
>> I doubt very seriously whether any of the Linux crowd have an inkling
>> of what a "commie" is.
>> They're nothing but a bunch of hobbyists, cheapskates, malcontents,
>> posers, and anarchists, not "commies". i.e.; nothing but a bunch of
>> hateful, whining kids, who have too much time and/or too little/too
>> much money on their hands to ever commit to changing the world for the
>> better as the Communists did, misguided as they were.
>So you are prejudiced too.
Yes, I am, nor have I ever denied it. I am prejudiced against idiots
like yourself, who have no understanding of the language they profess
to speak as a first language. If you were not a speaker of English as
your first language, I would understand. But you are not, apparently.
So you are twice at fault. Once for being an ignoramus, and once for
being an ignoramus consciously.
>> Yet even they
>> have learned that wealth is better than government-ordained poverty,
>> that it's good for a man to own his own land, and that honest labor
>> always has a good return in the Market, and a man is always worthy of
>> and entitled to a good and fair return for his honest labor.
>>> "AlexB" <alexb@comcast.net> wrote in message
>>> news:eNmnRfgVIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> You put it too mildly, parabola. This anti-Vista crowd is a criminal
>>>> bunch. They are a mixture of crooks with some on-campus anti-MS
>>>> counterculture. They all use MS for their if*king needs but pretend that
>>>> they are forced to do it by the hateful capitalist system.
>> i.e., "posers"
>> But very few of them even understand or know what the "capitalist
>> system" they claim to hate IS. These idiots know absolutely nothing
>> about the "hateful capitalist system" they love to denigrate
>> everywhere, with every chance they get.
>> i.e., "posers-major".
>>>> Linux market share is exactly 0.0%.
>> I assume you are rounding down the actual percentage to a statistical
>> zero. But you would still be mistaken. Do a litte more research.
>>>> All the inflated figures they quote,
>>>> the most reliable is 2.9% come from sales in third world countries and
>>>> "New Democracies" like Poland, Russia and Romania. They buy DELL computers
>>>> with Linux and replace them with pirated Windows next day but if you give
>>>> the shop owner a tip he will do it for you before you dragged your Linux
>>>> home.
>>>> Those scummy West Costa "Intellectual," a campus mold, who loud their hate
>>>> for MS use pirated copies as well.
>> So, what's wrong with "intellectuals", anyway?
>> All advances made by Human beings have been made by these same
>> "intellectuals" you seem to hate even more than you claim they hate
>> Microsoft.
>>>> It is a criminal network, and Ubuntu is a part of it.
>> Those are very strong words, AlexB.
>> And they require solid proof, not unsupported allegations.
>>>> Windows Vista exceeded 10% of market share as of Jan 8, 2008 and it is
>>>> steadily growing.
>> I think the figure is more like 40%, but I am probably wrong, as
>> usual.
>>>> "parabola" <pingbrett@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:C192E4A9-CC38-4D4C-AB3E-DEADB7EF5E68@microsoft.com...
>>>>> I disagree. I disagree with all the negativity and hype associated with
>>>>> such posts and comments. I believe the critics are too critical. Vista
>>>>> is
>>>>> what it is. It's better than any other version of Windows.
>>>>> The Mac OS
>>>>> people campare. The Linux crowd compare. he Windoze crowd compares. It
>>>>> is
>>>>> rediculous! Vista is wonderful. I like it a lot. I have no problems
>>>>> and
>>>>> my machine is running perfectly. I disagree.
>>>>> - Brett
>> Brett, nothing is perfect in this world of imperfect men. After all,
>> a computer can only work with what is put into it by a man.
>> Men, who are imperfect, can never produce a thing which is perfect.
>> But each man has his own opinion, friend, and is certainly entitled to
>> it.
>> It is good to get ragging from others about our opinions: It keeps us
>> on our toes, and helps us to work harder at validating what we say.
>So why do you give me a hard time about it?!
Because you are so damned ignorant. If you would make an effort to
educate yourself, I would probably slack off on you.
>> If we truly want to educate the Public, rather than blow off steam, we
>> need to really do our research fastidiously.
>> If Microsoft never got criticism, no matter how heavy, Microsoft would
>> never meet the Public on their level, and answer their concerns and
>> fears. They would never seek to make their software better
>> technologically, as well as more useable by their customers.
>> So do not worry when Microsoft gets a bad name in the Press, or gets a
>> lot of negative comments in its own usergroups. I feel confident that
>> these groups are a huge source of valuable information which will make
>> Vista better with time -- sometimes within a few hours or days,
>> sometimes years. But Vista will improve with age and use, and its
>> successor, Windows 7, will have the best of Vista with the newest
>> technology, and hopefully, a new kernel optimized for multiple core
>> CPUs and much larger amounts of memory and hard drives.
>> Let's face it: the era of single-core CPUs is over for all intents and
>> purposes.
>> Anyway, that's my "two cents"...
>> Donald L McDaniel
One mark of an intelligent man is his ability to accept criticism
gracefully. This usually only comes with age. The older we get, the
wiser we get (or we should get).
The foolish young man or woman never accepts criticism, for any
reason, because they think they know all the answers, when they
actually know none, by reason of inexperience and stubbornness. The
wise one LOOKS for it.
Donald L McDaniel
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 19:50:26 -0600, The poster formerly known as 'The
Poster Formerly Known as Nina DiBoy' <none@none.not> wrote:
>Donald L McDaniel wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:39:52 -0600, "Bobby McNulty"
>> <snyder100@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> Most of the Linux crowd are commies any way.
>> Bobby, Bobby, Bobby...
>> I doubt very seriously whether any of the Linux crowd have an inkling
>> of what a "commie" is.
>> They're nothing but a bunch of hobbyists, cheapskates, malcontents,
>> posers, and anarchists, not "commies". i.e.; nothing but a bunch of
>> hateful, whining kids, who have too much time and/or too little/too
>> much money on their hands to ever commit to changing the world for the
>> better as the Communists did, misguided as they were.
>So you are prejudiced too.
Yes, I am, nor have I ever denied it. I am prejudiced against idiots
like yourself, who have no understanding of the language they profess
to speak as a first language. If you were not a speaker of English as
your first language, I would understand. But you are not, apparently.
So you are twice at fault. Once for being an ignoramus, and once for
being an ignoramus consciously.
>> Yet even they
>> have learned that wealth is better than government-ordained poverty,
>> that it's good for a man to own his own land, and that honest labor
>> always has a good return in the Market, and a man is always worthy of
>> and entitled to a good and fair return for his honest labor.
>>> "AlexB" <alexb@comcast.net> wrote in message
>>> news:eNmnRfgVIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>> You put it too mildly, parabola. This anti-Vista crowd is a criminal
>>>> bunch. They are a mixture of crooks with some on-campus anti-MS
>>>> counterculture. They all use MS for their if*king needs but pretend that
>>>> they are forced to do it by the hateful capitalist system.
>> i.e., "posers"
>> But very few of them even understand or know what the "capitalist
>> system" they claim to hate IS. These idiots know absolutely nothing
>> about the "hateful capitalist system" they love to denigrate
>> everywhere, with every chance they get.
>> i.e., "posers-major".
>>>> Linux market share is exactly 0.0%.
>> I assume you are rounding down the actual percentage to a statistical
>> zero. But you would still be mistaken. Do a litte more research.
>>>> All the inflated figures they quote,
>>>> the most reliable is 2.9% come from sales in third world countries and
>>>> "New Democracies" like Poland, Russia and Romania. They buy DELL computers
>>>> with Linux and replace them with pirated Windows next day but if you give
>>>> the shop owner a tip he will do it for you before you dragged your Linux
>>>> home.
>>>> Those scummy West Costa "Intellectual," a campus mold, who loud their hate
>>>> for MS use pirated copies as well.
>> So, what's wrong with "intellectuals", anyway?
>> All advances made by Human beings have been made by these same
>> "intellectuals" you seem to hate even more than you claim they hate
>> Microsoft.
>>>> It is a criminal network, and Ubuntu is a part of it.
>> Those are very strong words, AlexB.
>> And they require solid proof, not unsupported allegations.
>>>> Windows Vista exceeded 10% of market share as of Jan 8, 2008 and it is
>>>> steadily growing.
>> I think the figure is more like 40%, but I am probably wrong, as
>> usual.
>>>> "parabola" <pingbrett@gmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:C192E4A9-CC38-4D4C-AB3E-DEADB7EF5E68@microsoft.com...
>>>>> I disagree. I disagree with all the negativity and hype associated with
>>>>> such posts and comments. I believe the critics are too critical. Vista
>>>>> is
>>>>> what it is. It's better than any other version of Windows.
>>>>> The Mac OS
>>>>> people campare. The Linux crowd compare. he Windoze crowd compares. It
>>>>> is
>>>>> rediculous! Vista is wonderful. I like it a lot. I have no problems
>>>>> and
>>>>> my machine is running perfectly. I disagree.
>>>>> - Brett
>> Brett, nothing is perfect in this world of imperfect men. After all,
>> a computer can only work with what is put into it by a man.
>> Men, who are imperfect, can never produce a thing which is perfect.
>> But each man has his own opinion, friend, and is certainly entitled to
>> it.
>> It is good to get ragging from others about our opinions: It keeps us
>> on our toes, and helps us to work harder at validating what we say.
>So why do you give me a hard time about it?!
Because you are so damned ignorant. If you would make an effort to
educate yourself, I would probably slack off on you.
>> If we truly want to educate the Public, rather than blow off steam, we
>> need to really do our research fastidiously.
>> If Microsoft never got criticism, no matter how heavy, Microsoft would
>> never meet the Public on their level, and answer their concerns and
>> fears. They would never seek to make their software better
>> technologically, as well as more useable by their customers.
>> So do not worry when Microsoft gets a bad name in the Press, or gets a
>> lot of negative comments in its own usergroups. I feel confident that
>> these groups are a huge source of valuable information which will make
>> Vista better with time -- sometimes within a few hours or days,
>> sometimes years. But Vista will improve with age and use, and its
>> successor, Windows 7, will have the best of Vista with the newest
>> technology, and hopefully, a new kernel optimized for multiple core
>> CPUs and much larger amounts of memory and hard drives.
>> Let's face it: the era of single-core CPUs is over for all intents and
>> purposes.
>> Anyway, that's my "two cents"...
>> Donald L McDaniel
One mark of an intelligent man is his ability to accept criticism
gracefully. This usually only comes with age. The older we get, the
wiser we get (or we should get).
The foolish young man or woman never accepts criticism, for any
reason, because they think they know all the answers, when they
actually know none, by reason of inexperience and stubbornness. The
wise one LOOKS for it.
Donald L McDaniel