Does anyone here would like to program a game?

EFileTahi-A said:
Most of it will be 100% fully customized, like the graphics and sounds and history line. It will be also possible to customize some aspects of the games graphical interface. Its only like creating new maps for Half Life game...
[Broken External Image]:

Ive been working on my RPG for a couple of years now. Im on my 3rd rewrite now using VB.NET and DX9 with the TrueVision3D engine. Im hoping to turn it into a book that Ill either self-publish over the net or shop around to a publisher. Ive got most of the components done, just need to plug them all together. :) If you need any tips on how to organize things, just ask.
My MSN is (they wouldnt let me use my old "" account because it wasnt hotmail!).

I woiuld love to help you plan and get in on some actions.

I want to program what I do in VB.Net primarily (Which is why I love .Net, its cross language), but C# is also cool. Interfaces are very important and at least interface programming if not some other OOP techniques would be helpful.

We need to plan things out in terms of class/library structure and goals we want to achieve, then work on who does what.

I have Visio & Visual Studio (architect or enterprise... whatever came with MSDN Universal) which could help us out a bit.
Machaira said:
[Broken External Image]:

Ive been working on my RPG for a couple of years now. Im on my 3rd rewrite now using VB.NET and DX9 with the TrueVision3D engine. Im hoping to turn it into a book that Ill either self-publish over the net or shop around to a publisher. Ive got most of the components done, just need to plug them all together. :) If you need any tips on how to organize things, just ask.

Realy apreciate that! I wish you could join me on this project of mine... If you are an RPG fan you might like this project...

All in all its great to know I can count with your help :)

Do you have any instant message service?
EFileTahi-A said:
-[x,x,0] = the configuration of the first graphical layer...
-[x,x,1] = the configuration of the second graphical layer...
-[x,x,2] = stores 1 / 0. Which informs the games engine if the tile has been already revealed to the user (kinda fixed fog of war like most strategy games play)
-[x,x3] = the events of the tile. It triggers things like, text, creatures, entering a city, dialogs etc...
- [x,x4] = the properties of the tile. Like, if it can be walked throught, energy cost to cross (if walking on day light on a desert thirsty and fatigue can be properly configurated by the user (map designer)), time to cross (if walking on a dense forest time to cross will logicaly be greater) and temperature (which will have effect on the players characters thirsty rate, having a cold, fatigue etc.

I dont know why, but looking things over, it looks like this would be handled a lot easier in an XML file read into a dataset.

I can see a properties table, events table and a Tile table.

Im not sure about the StringArray Looping vs Dataset speeds though.

Personally Im much more comfortable in a dataset because I can visually "see" how things work out.

I know loading an XML Document/Schema from file is easy as Pie... like 2 lines of code with declarations.
EFileTahi-A said:
Realy apreciate that! I wish you could join me on this project of mine... If you are an RPG fan you might like this project...

All in all its great to know I can count with your help :)

Do you have any instant message service?
Check my profile. :)
He means you could make a tile structure to make that slightly easier. In that tile structure you could have 5 variables for each of the things you mentioned before and then youd simply have an array of these tile structures.

It would make it a lot easier to understand for other people programming with you. Instead of


It would be more like
