I'm back!


Well-known member
May 21, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts

Its been so long. I havent programmed since the last summer. Things have been going great - I was in India for 2-3 months anyways.

And then school started....thats when things went downhill. Staying up till 2, barely getting my schoolwork done. Schools awesome though, extremely selective enterance exam - 50 kids allowed - but holy crap, I actually meet kids that want to learn, explore, etc. Best part is, Im taking Robotics, Machine Shop, and Robot Programming as an elective...

So for the past 4-6 months Ive been into hardware...Anandtech, best site in the world, virtually instantaneous replies and all - its almost like instant messenger :). What else about hardware, not that you care...Im designing a heatsink for a school project!

So, heres my "Hi" to all of you. I really havent updated my website in a while, nor have I been here for a while.

Feels so good to be back.
-The Pentium Guy
And then school started....thats when things went downhill. Staying up till 2, barely getting my schoolwork done. Schools awesome though, extremely selective enterance exam - 50 kids allowed - but holy crap, I actually meet kids that want to learn, explore, etc. Best part is, Im taking Robotics, Machine Shop, and Robot Programming as an elective...

Fun isnt it? That was my major. Wasnt called Robotics but Automated Manufacturing, which is basicallly the same thing.

I never got a job as full on robotics but I have automated production lines and now I automate tests.

welcome back