Re: Shot in the dark
Let me drop out of legal mode: ah better, my take another couple more lines
to work it all out...
"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
| I could be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere (and it makes
| perfect sense) that there being hundreds of millions of Windows
| installations all over the world, there are no unique keys -
| which is why any key will work with the corresponding OS
| release. It's an algorithm (or something), probably more
| complicated with each subsequent OS release.
If you remember that key in conjunction with *something* creates a
uniquely identifiable number.
Such as when installing 98FE I was provided with a 20 digit *personal
identification number* to be used thereafter. So exactly how many people can
be included within a 20 digit number?
Let's see thats:
00,000,000,000,000,000,000 people...
| I think this is most applicable to older versions of Windows
| (and most other software I have run across, where sometimes the
| same 5-digit serial number is usable thru years of versions of
| the product), and probably why much more stringent controls
| (including hidden call-MS spyware or "verify-ware" if you
| prefer) have been introduced with XP and Vista.
Yes, you would be close. Law suits were filed for such activities against
Microsoft. WGA [Windows Genuine Advantage, and WPA [Windows Product
Activation] along with several other questionable aspects have been dragged
through the courts.
| So if you have a key of which there are tens of thousands
| (millions?) in use, and you lost your documentation and original
| CD, how can anyone prove you were not the original purchaser? (I
| don't know the statistics but from what I have seen it would
| seem that roughly 95% of OTC purchasers never register the
| software.)
They do with XP and VISTA, or rather they are required to do so.
| "Unsupported" is also an interesting concept. If MS don't give a
| crap about 3.1 or 95 98 anymore (even though you can still buy
| full shrinkwrapped legal copies if you look around) and are
| concentrating on not letting a single Vista user get away with
| putting an extra memory chip in their machine, what does it even
| matter?
So far, not much save several suits [is it now 46 or more] brought by
Microsoft for pirated software. Mainly against companies caught doing so,
though Microsoft has participated in several prosecutions against
individuals caught with pirated software [including unlicensed OS versions].
However, don't be mistaken, Microsoft still has interest in ALL of its OSs
and products.
| (OK, I'm exaggerating - but also can't help mentioning the fact
| that they are also probably spending an awful lot of their time
| rubbing their hands over the fact that they have the patents to
| FAT and FAT32 - which came from free Unix in the first place -
| so now they can claim they own part of Linux and should get
| royalties from *free* software.)
And Microsoft has placed its foot upon Linux and other software companies
recently. I also openly object to the patents given to Microsoft.
| Also, many companies less greedy than MS GIVE AWAY full copies
| of their previous-to-last software release (on magazine CD's
| etc.), hoping it will inspire the user to upgrade and pay a
| reduced upgrade price - which many do but many don't since most
| software is perfectly acceptable and usable in early versions
| and it is only greedy bastards or incompetents whose software is
| lacking essential features until version 7 or 8.
| t.
| --
| Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
| reality.
Okay, think I got the legal worked out a me...
Well Linux is still free [or at least there are still free versions
available], and does have growing support, mostly from disgruntled Windows
I think it comical that Microsoft users forget that Microsoft OSs displaced
Unix style systems from the business/commercial world, yet many of the
servers running the world ARE Unix/Linux or other non-Microsoft servers.
This Microsoft cult [and it is a cult] got so lost in GUI and WYSIWYG, they
gave up the ability to have absolute control of the system AND the OS. Now
they rely upon Microsoft design, whereas they could have the ability to
compile the EXACT environment, security, and every other aspect they need.
Of course that requires knowledge of computers, the system and other
aspects, by the user. Gone are the days of the computer geek, those who
intimately knew the workings. Computers today are seen as just another
appliance to be used.
Can it connect to the Internet, great.
Do I have to know anything to get there?
No, great, I've got more important things to do
{like spy on the neighbors {I think they're smoking pot or engaged in
terrorist activities. My gawd its unamerican what I see go on there...}}
[hey, wait, there's my cell phone,, yeah, yeah, sure,, when, sure, call me
back I'm on the net... what? sure I'll text the address to you in a min..yep
its funny, where? youtube, sure, yep..okay, sure, yep,,,, call me in five...
hang on I've got another call.. hey whatsup... sure... no, ah okay,, yeah,,,
oh you got to check out this neat video I fou... huh, oh, on Kaaza.. yeah
the entire album I just ripped that for you... hang on I got Bob on hold....
hey... yeah.. sure...]
time is money.
Is it fast? Okay then, so it has a few flaws....
Somehow or for some reason, over the last 25 or so years, computer users
quite literally became, ah, how do I put this acceptably, consumerized. Now
we see Microsoft spreading itself *cross da world*... and these new foreign
users think using Microsoft makes them *more like Americans*. What a people
to emulate! But I digress...
Can everything done in Windows be done in Linux? Sure, and the extra
software is also generally free. Yet Microsoft cultists dutifully go out and
buy the new OS AAAAAAAAAND the new software to go with it.... then spend
large parts of their time bitching to Microsoft; trying to patch the system
to plug the new holes and breaches, tweak it [within Microsoft constraints]
and ... ah well, here I sit at this Microsoft run machine....
Say, anyone used Mepis? Still trying to figure out what Linux I should try
the next install...
Let me drop out of legal mode: ah better, my take another couple more lines
to work it all out...
"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
| I could be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere (and it makes
| perfect sense) that there being hundreds of millions of Windows
| installations all over the world, there are no unique keys -
| which is why any key will work with the corresponding OS
| release. It's an algorithm (or something), probably more
| complicated with each subsequent OS release.
If you remember that key in conjunction with *something* creates a
uniquely identifiable number.
Such as when installing 98FE I was provided with a 20 digit *personal
identification number* to be used thereafter. So exactly how many people can
be included within a 20 digit number?
Let's see thats:
00,000,000,000,000,000,000 people...
| I think this is most applicable to older versions of Windows
| (and most other software I have run across, where sometimes the
| same 5-digit serial number is usable thru years of versions of
| the product), and probably why much more stringent controls
| (including hidden call-MS spyware or "verify-ware" if you
| prefer) have been introduced with XP and Vista.
Yes, you would be close. Law suits were filed for such activities against
Microsoft. WGA [Windows Genuine Advantage, and WPA [Windows Product
Activation] along with several other questionable aspects have been dragged
through the courts.
| So if you have a key of which there are tens of thousands
| (millions?) in use, and you lost your documentation and original
| CD, how can anyone prove you were not the original purchaser? (I
| don't know the statistics but from what I have seen it would
| seem that roughly 95% of OTC purchasers never register the
| software.)
They do with XP and VISTA, or rather they are required to do so.
| "Unsupported" is also an interesting concept. If MS don't give a
| crap about 3.1 or 95 98 anymore (even though you can still buy
| full shrinkwrapped legal copies if you look around) and are
| concentrating on not letting a single Vista user get away with
| putting an extra memory chip in their machine, what does it even
| matter?
So far, not much save several suits [is it now 46 or more] brought by
Microsoft for pirated software. Mainly against companies caught doing so,
though Microsoft has participated in several prosecutions against
individuals caught with pirated software [including unlicensed OS versions].
However, don't be mistaken, Microsoft still has interest in ALL of its OSs
and products.
| (OK, I'm exaggerating - but also can't help mentioning the fact
| that they are also probably spending an awful lot of their time
| rubbing their hands over the fact that they have the patents to
| FAT and FAT32 - which came from free Unix in the first place -
| so now they can claim they own part of Linux and should get
| royalties from *free* software.)
And Microsoft has placed its foot upon Linux and other software companies
recently. I also openly object to the patents given to Microsoft.
| Also, many companies less greedy than MS GIVE AWAY full copies
| of their previous-to-last software release (on magazine CD's
| etc.), hoping it will inspire the user to upgrade and pay a
| reduced upgrade price - which many do but many don't since most
| software is perfectly acceptable and usable in early versions
| and it is only greedy bastards or incompetents whose software is
| lacking essential features until version 7 or 8.
| t.
| --
| Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
| reality.
Okay, think I got the legal worked out a me...
Well Linux is still free [or at least there are still free versions
available], and does have growing support, mostly from disgruntled Windows
I think it comical that Microsoft users forget that Microsoft OSs displaced
Unix style systems from the business/commercial world, yet many of the
servers running the world ARE Unix/Linux or other non-Microsoft servers.
This Microsoft cult [and it is a cult] got so lost in GUI and WYSIWYG, they
gave up the ability to have absolute control of the system AND the OS. Now
they rely upon Microsoft design, whereas they could have the ability to
compile the EXACT environment, security, and every other aspect they need.
Of course that requires knowledge of computers, the system and other
aspects, by the user. Gone are the days of the computer geek, those who
intimately knew the workings. Computers today are seen as just another
appliance to be used.
Can it connect to the Internet, great.
Do I have to know anything to get there?
No, great, I've got more important things to do
{like spy on the neighbors {I think they're smoking pot or engaged in
terrorist activities. My gawd its unamerican what I see go on there...}}
[hey, wait, there's my cell phone,, yeah, yeah, sure,, when, sure, call me
back I'm on the net... what? sure I'll text the address to you in a min..yep
its funny, where? youtube, sure, yep..okay, sure, yep,,,, call me in five...
hang on I've got another call.. hey whatsup... sure... no, ah okay,, yeah,,,
oh you got to check out this neat video I fou... huh, oh, on Kaaza.. yeah
the entire album I just ripped that for you... hang on I got Bob on hold....
hey... yeah.. sure...]
time is money.
Is it fast? Okay then, so it has a few flaws....
Somehow or for some reason, over the last 25 or so years, computer users
quite literally became, ah, how do I put this acceptably, consumerized. Now
we see Microsoft spreading itself *cross da world*... and these new foreign
users think using Microsoft makes them *more like Americans*. What a people
to emulate! But I digress...
Can everything done in Windows be done in Linux? Sure, and the extra
software is also generally free. Yet Microsoft cultists dutifully go out and
buy the new OS AAAAAAAAAND the new software to go with it.... then spend
large parts of their time bitching to Microsoft; trying to patch the system
to plug the new holes and breaches, tweak it [within Microsoft constraints]
and ... ah well, here I sit at this Microsoft run machine....
Say, anyone used Mepis? Still trying to figure out what Linux I should try
the next install...